
Basic URL parser for Luau.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Latest GitHub version Latest Wally version

Utility library for working with URLs in Luau.


Documentation, powered by moonwave, is available at https://csqrl.github.io/url.


For the time being, releases will remain at v0.x, and URL should not be considered 100% stable. This is in line with the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification.

  • Breaking changes may occur when the minor version is incremented.
  • The patch version will be incremented for additions, non-breaking changes, and bug fixes.

This will remain the same until v1.x.

Quick Start

URL is available from Wally and GitHub releases.


Wally is a CLI package manager (much like NPM, Yarn or Cargo) for Roblox by @UpliftGames. Find out more at https://github.com/upliftgames/wally.

# wally.toml

URL = "csqrl/url@0.0.0"
$ wally install

Manual Installation

Grab a copy from GitHub releases, and drop it into Studio.