
Web-tool for representing and querying temporal data

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Web-based library for the query and visualization of temporal data. It allows the representation of temporal data in four different granularity levels: year, month, day of the week, time of the day. It is based on [D3.js] (https://d3js.org/), [jquery] (https://jquery.com/), and the following open source resources that have been modified:


Visit the simple demo

Explanatory video here:

Explanatory video here


Time granularities

  • year (selected year): Integer corresponding to the displayed year
  • month(month of the year): Integer from 0 to 11 -from January to December-
  • dow (day of the week): Integer from 0 to 6 corresponding to the days from Sunday(0) to Saturday(6)
  • tod (time of the day): Integer from 0 to 23 for each hour of the day


  • selected_year: Integer with the selected year in the <select> html tag.
  • dates_range: Array of size 2 with the initial and final Dates selected in the 4th ring.
  • dows: Array of size of minimum 0 and maximum 7 with the selected days of the week.
  • tod_range: Array of size 2 with the initial and final hour of the day selected in the 2nd ring.

Displayed data


  • year_plotline: Each of the plotlines in the 3rd ring representing data-values per DoW per month. Therefore a year_plotline has 12*7=84 data-values.
  • tod_plotline: Each of the plotlines in the 1st ring representing data-values per hour of the day, therefore a tod_plotline has 24 data-values.

Example of Use

  1. Include the javascript dependencies: jquery.js, d3.js, d3.svg.circularbrush.js, and radar.js (the last two files are modified from its original version in this repository) as well as the proposed stylesheet: strad-wheel.css
  2. Include our main library: strad-wheel.js.
  3. Add the STRAD Wheel tool by initializing a new StradWheel object with the corresponding CSS selector as parameter. The referenced HTML element must be a pre existing "div" element by the time of this call. e.g., 'timewheel=new StradWheel("#timeview");'
  4. Subscribe to changes in any of the modified filters, or to any change. See "Subscribing to changes" section.
  5. Add, replace, or remove the shown data at any time by calling the functions addDayPlotline, addYearPlotline, removeDayPlotline and removeYearPlotline.



  • TimeRadar(selector): Constructor receiving a String corresponding to the CSS3 selector of the element to populate with the STRAD Wheel.
  • setSelectableYears(years_array): Receives an array of integer with the selectable years (corresponding to the select element in the view). The selected year is used to match the dates _range to the corresponding year. By default this is set to an array containing only the current year.

Setting displayed data

  • addDayPlotline(legend,data): Add or replace (if the legend already exists) the data displayed in the 1st ring with the corresponding legend. The parameter 'data' is an array with objects for pair hour(h)-value(v):
    Ex. [{h:0,v:500}, ... , {h:23,v:1200}]

  • addYearPlotline(legend,data): Add or replace (if the legend already exists) the data in the 3rd ring with the corresponding legend. The parameter 'data' is an array with objects for each tuple dow(d), month(m) and value(v):
    Ex. [{m:0,d:0,v:12.5},...,{m:11,d:6,v:15}]

  • removeDayPlotline(legend): If exists, removes the plotline in the 1st ring with the corresponding legend

  • removeYearPlotline(legend): If exists, removes the plotline in the 3rd ring with the corresponding legend

  • removeAllDayPlotlines(): Removes all the plotlines in the 1st ring

  • removeAllYearPlotlines(): Removes all the plotlines in the 3rd ring

Working with filters: getters and setters

  • getSelectedYear()/setSelectedYear(new_year): Gets or sets the selected year respectively. Corresponds to the select html tag in the tool.
  • getDows()/setDows(new_dows) Get or set the selected dows respectively.
  • getDatesRange()/setDatesRange(new_dates_range): Gets or sets the selected range of dates for the selected year.
  • getTodRange()/setTodRange(new_tod_range): Gets or sets the selected range of hours of the day.

Subscribing to changes

  • onYearChange(delegate_function): The parameter function is called after the year selection changes. It receives as parameter the new selected year.
  • onDatesChange(delegate_function): The parameter function is called after any change in the dates_range. It receives as parameter the new dates range.
  • onDowsChange(delegate_function): The parameter function is called on any change of the dows array. It receives as parameter the new array of dows.
  • onTodChange(delegate_function): The parameter function is called on any change of the tod_range. It receives as parameter the new range of time of the day.
  • onChange(delegate_function): The delegate function is called on any change of the filters after calling the subscribed function for the corresponding filter. It receives as parameter the name of the changed filter ("year","dates_range","dows","tod_range").