Just some notebooks and supporting infrastructure for a quick look at python
To use this code, you need of python3 and the pipenv package manager to install these notebooks.
In a Terminal window verify python3 is installed by tyoing in this command:
python3 --version
After that, install the pipenv package manager, which will be used to install libraries and tools (called dependencies) for this code:
pip install pipenv
Next, download this code to your computer. Find a good spot, say your Documents folder to store this code:
cd ~/Documents
Using git, a tool that manages code store in github, we copy the code to our laptop:
git clone https://github.com/cxplanet/py-dev
Change directories to the py-dev code we just copied:
cd py-dev
Use the pipenv tool to download the libraries we need - this
will likely take a while:
pipenv install
After installing the libraries we need, we start a 'shell', basically a workspace to run our notebook in:
pipenv shell
You should see a prompt change to something like (py-dev) bash-3.2$
And finally, launch our notebook, so that we can do coding:
jupyter notebook
Once launched a web browser should apper - you can click on the notebooks to run them
You can shut down the notebooks by finding the terminal window and typig a Ctrl-C, ie holding down the control key and press the letter 'C' on the keyboard at the same time, and then pressing the 'Y' key when prompted