

This is a demo application for RCS java course which exposes todo manager with user signup option as a collection of rest enpoints which are documented and can be accessed and tested via Swagger.

By running the project locally(instruction below) Swagger documentation is under(note / at the end of URL)



Note that all commands are for *nix systems. On Windows use functional analogs. e.g. gradlew on Windows is gradlew.bat

Get the project from github, either by downloading zip or using git clone. cmd example below. This will create todo-manager-java folder

git clone

Setup eclipse project(optional) by executing gradle command below. Make sure that you are inside project folder when running the command.

./gradlew eclipse

To run local server from command line user bootRun or just run it from Eclipse

./gradlew bootRun

Demo data

There are 2 demo users with some demo data

username: user
password: password

username: test
password: password

NOTE this app uses basic authentication and needless to say is not meant for production use. Also there is no clear way to logout user. For testing use incognito mode.


If you find any issues/questions, please use github report function. Maven files are not maintained and will be removed.