Scalable and Consitent Client Caching for Distributed Key-value Store


  • Node.js 6.9.4+

To Start

  • run $ npm install to install all dependencies.
  • run bin/www to start the server, which by default listens on port 3000
  • client/client.js is the client library through which the application interacts with the key-value store. See client/stresstest.js for example of its use.

Server RESTful APIs

GET /api/:key/:principalId

Return the value corresponding to the key specified on path. :principalId is used to identify a client for proper notifications upon subsequent updates on the key-value store. Response is the following:

    "key": "bf8b4530d8d246dd74ac53a13471bba17941dff7",
    "value": {
        "value": "blob",
        "timeStamp": "2017-04-13T18:17:33.327Z"

PUT /api/:principalId

Request body needs to be:

    "key": "bf8b4530d8d246dd74ac53a13471bba17941dff7",
    "value": {
        "value": "blob",
        "timeStamp": "2017-04-13T18:17:33.327Z"

POST /api/lease

Renew session lease. Implemented as open rpc Request body needs to be:

    "principalId": "123",
    "recoveryMode": true | false

Response is a collection of updates that are committed between now and the previous server response.

    "bf8b4530d8d246dd74ac53a13471bba17941dff7": {
        "value": "blob",
        "timeStamp": "2017-04-13T18:17:33.327Z"
    "bf8b4530d8d24fdafdsafdsafdsafdsafds1dff7": {
        "value": "blob",
        "timeStamp": "2017-04-12T11:17:33.327Z"

POST /api/mute/:clientId

Suspends responses to client identified with :clientId. Used to simulate network partitions.

POST /api/unmute/:clientId

Resume responses to client identified with :clientId. Used to simulate network partitions.

GET /api/stat

Poll the system statistics. Response:

	"subsptnNumEntries": 97497,
	"updateMsgCount": 132327,