
In the offshore ocean, raspberrypi connect Hydrophone to detect underwater noise, after processing the data then using LoRa to transfer data to laptop

Primary LanguagePython

Lora Application

In the offshore ocean, raspberrypi connect Hydrophone to detect underwater noise, after processing the datas then using lora to transfer datas to laptop





pip install soundfile 
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1

Download folder main\ all files and import

import LoRa.py
import L76X.py

Step of code

  1. Download the files which Hydrophone already output then save in raspberrypi.
  2. waiting for Hydrophone output tje next data in one minute.
  3. Get offical time and position from GPS.
  4. Starting detect and download the file.
  5. Processing the file, using 1/3 octve filter output dB values in one second.
  6. Back up output datas in txt files in raspberrypi.
  7. Use lora sent output datas.
  8. (recycle 4.-8.)