In the offshore ocean, raspberrypi connect Hydrophone to detect underwater noise, after processing the datas then using lora to transfer datas to laptop
- GPS : L76 GPS HAT by Waveshare
- Lora : LoRa USB dongle gateway by iFrogLab
- Hydrophone : icListen SC2 by ocean sonics
pip install soundfile
sudo apt-get install libsndfile1
- Download the files which Hydrophone already output then save in raspberrypi.
- waiting for Hydrophone output tje next data in one minute.
- Get offical time and position from GPS.
- Starting detect and download the file.
- Processing the file, using 1/3 octve filter output dB values in one second.
- Back up output datas in txt files in raspberrypi.
- Use lora sent output datas.
- (recycle 4.-8.)