
Passive tracer flow using quasigeostrophic flow

Primary LanguageJulia

QG tracer advection

Passive tracer advection using quasigeostrophic flow

The module TracerAdvDiff_QG builds on the pre-existing module TraverAdvDiff from the PassiveTracerFlows.jl[1] package. The TracerAdvDiff_QG module sets up a TracerAdvDiff_QG.Problem from a MultiLayerQG.Problem (from the GeophysicalFlows[2] package) and advects a passive tracer in the quasigeosrophic flow the MultiLayerQG.Problem generates. An initial condition for tracer concentration is set in all layers then either a series of plots or a movie (or both) are generated showing the tracer advection.

The tracer advection in either a steady flow or a time dependent flow remains unchanged from the original version of the module TraverAdvDiff.

The module MeasureMixing.jl has various functions that can be used to calculate concentration diagnostics from either saved data or as a simulation is run. There are also functions that can generate plots and histograms of concentration data that has been saved from a simulation.

Using the modules

To run first clone the repository, e.g.,

git clone https://github.com/jbisits/QG_tracer_advection.git

Then while in the repository's local directory open Julia, activate, and instantiate the project

(@v1.5) pkg> activate .
(QG_tracer_advection) pkg> instantiate

Then a backspace will bring you back to normal Julia's REPL:


Before running the examples or using the modules they must first be loaded into the local environment using

julia> include("Modules/TracerAdvDiff_QG.jl")


julia> include("Modules/MeasureMixing.jl")

Alternatively, after you've instantiated the project and loaded the modules in, you can run the QGflow_example.jl script straight from the terminal via

$ julia --project Examples/QGflow_example.jl


To run the examples the modules must first be loaded into the local envirnoment using the commands

julia> include("Modules/TracerAdvDiff_QG.jl")


julia> include("Modules/MeasureMixing.jl")

Tracer advection with QG flow

An example of how the module advects a passive tracer in a QG flow is given in the script QGflow_example.jl. Here the MultiLayerQG.Problem from the documentation is used as the flow to advect the tracer. There are two different initial conditions in the script: a Gaussian "blob" or a Gaussian "strip". Both can be moved to different locations on the grid by altering the mean and the concentration about the mean is changed by altering the variance. The same initial condition is set in both layers then the problem is stepped forward and the tracer is advected. The output is then a series of plots showing the tracer advection.

After the modules have been loaded into the local environment use the command

julia> include("Examples/QGflow_example.jl")

to run the example.

Tracer advection with a steady flow

An example of how the module advects a passive tracer in a steady flow is given in the script steadyflow_example.jl. In this case only one Problem is initialised but the velocity fields u and v must be provided as functions of x and y.

After the modules have been loaded into the local environment use the command

julia> include("Examples/steadyflow_example.jl")

to run the example.

Note this script can also be run using the PassiveTracerFlows package. There are instructions in the script as to how to do this.

Tracer advection with a time dependent flow

An example of how the module advects a passive tracer in a time dependent flow is given in the script timedep_example.jl. In this case only one Problem is initialised but the velocity fields u and v must be provided as functions of x, y and t.

After the modules have been loaded into the local environment use the command

julia> include("Examples/timedep_example.jl")

to run the example.

Note this script can also be run using the PassiveTracerFlows package. There are instructions in the script as to how to do this.

Measure mixing

This example is the same as the tracer advection with QG flow above but includes some diagnostics to measure how the tracer is mixed over time. It can be run using

julia> include("Examples/QGflow_measuremixing.jl")

Honours thesis

This folder contains the code that I will be using for my honours thesis that I (@jbisits) am currently undertaking at UNSW.


[1] Constantinou, N. C. and Wagner, G. L. (2021). FourierFlows/PassiveTracerFlows.jl: PassiveTracerFlows v0.5.0 (Version v0.5.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2535983

[2] Constantinou et al., (2021). GeophysicalFlows.jl: Solvers for geophysical fluid dynamics problems in periodic domains on CPUs & GPUs. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(60), 3053, doi:10.21105/joss.03053