
Data on CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions by Our World in Data

Primary LanguagePython

Data on CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Our World in Data

Our complete CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions dataset is a collection of key metrics maintained by Our World in Data. It is updated regularly and includes data on CO2 emissions (annual, per capita, cumulative and consumption-based), other greenhouse gases, energy mix, and other relevant metrics.

🗂️ Download our complete CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions dataset : CSV | XLSX | JSON

We will continue to publish updated data on CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions as it becomes available. Most metrics are published on an annual basis.

Our data sources

  • CO2 emissions: this data is sourced from the Global Carbon Project. The Global Carbon Project typically releases a new update of CO2 emissions annually.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions (including methane, and nitrous oxide): this data is sourced from the CAIT Climate Data Explorer, and downloaded from the Climate Watch Portal.
  • Energy (primary energy, energy mix and energy intensity): this data is sourced from a combination of two sources. The BP Statistical Review of World Energy is published annually, but it does not provide data on primary energy consumption for all countries. For countries absent from this dataset, we calculate primary energy by multiplying the World Bank, World Development Indicators metric Energy use per capita by total population figures. The World Bank sources this metric from the IEA.
  • Other variables: this data is collected from a variety of sources (United Nations, World Bank, Gapminder, Maddison Project Database, etc.). More information is available in our codebook.

The complete Our World in Data CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions dataset

Our complete CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions dataset is available in CSV, XLSX, and JSON formats.

The CSV and XLSX files follow a format of 1 row per location and year. The JSON version is split by country, with an array of yearly records.

The variables represent all of our main data related to CO2 emissions, other greenhouse gas emissions, energy mix, as well as other variables of potential interest.

A full codebook is made available, with a description and source for each variable in the dataset.


  • On August 7, 2020, the first version of this dataset was made available.
  • On February 8, 2021 we updated this dataset with the latest annual release from the Global Carbon Project.

Data alterations

  • We standardize names of countries and regions. Since the names of countries and regions are different in different data sources, we standardize all names to the Our World in Data standard entity names.
  • We recalculate carbon emissions to CO2. The primary data sources on CO2 emissions—the Global Carbon Project, for example—typically report emissions in tonnes of carbon. We have recalculated these figures as tonnes of CO2 using a conversion factor of 3.664.
  • We calculate per capita figures. All of our per capita figures are calculated from our metric Population, which is included in the complete dataset. These population figures are sourced from Gapminder and the UN World Population Prospects (UNWPP).


All visualizations, data, and code produced by Our World in Data are completely open access under the Creative Commons BY license. You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce these in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited.

The data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. We will always indicate the original source of the data in our database, and you should always check the license of any such third-party data before use.


This data has been collected, aggregated, and documented by Hannah Ritchie, Max Roser and Edouard Mathieu.

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