
Server for online menstrual tracker

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status

Open-source tracker for menstrual periods. Check out the live app: https://eggtimer.herokuapp.com/

Note: the front end for this app is being ported to Ionic (see https://github.com/jessamynsmith/eggtimer-ui)


Fork the project on github and git clone your fork, e.g.:

git clone https://github.com/<username>/eggtimer-server.git

Create a virtualenv using Python 3 and install dependencies. I recommend getting python3 via homebrew, then installing virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper to that python. NOTE! You must change 'path/to/python3' to be the actual path to python3 on your system.

mkvirtualenv eggtimer --python=/path/to/python3
pip install -r requirements/development.txt

Set environment variables as desired. Recommended dev settings:


Optional environment variables, generally only required in production:


Set up db:

python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py migrate

Run tests and view coverage:

coverage run manage.py test
coverage report -m

Check code style:


Generate graph of data models, e.g.:

python manage.py graph_models --pygraphviz -a -g -o all_models.png  # all models
python manage.py graph_models periods --pygraphviz -g -o period_models.png  # period models

Run server:

python manage.py runserver

The javascript linter and tests require you to install node, then:

npm install -g jshint mocha blanket moment moment-timezone

Set up your environment to know about node. NOTE! You must change 'path/to/node_modules' to be the actual path to node modules on your system.

export NODE_PATH=/path/to/node_modules/

Lint JavaScript:

jshint */static/*/js

Run JavaScript tests:

mocha -R html-cov */tests/static/*/js/* > ~/eggtimer_javascript_coverage.html

To run Selenium tests, you must have chromedriver installed:

 brew install chromedriver

Next you need to create a Django admin user and then export the email and password for that user as environment variables:


Finally, ensure the server is running, and run the selenium tests:

nosetests selenium/

Retrieve data from the API with curl. <AUTH_TOKEN> can be found in your account info.

curl -vk -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Token <AUTH_TOKEN>' "https://eggtimer.herokuapp.com/api/v2/statistics/" | python -m json.tool

curl -vk -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Token <AUTH_TOKEN>' "https://eggtimer.herokuapp.com/api/v2/periods/" | python -m json.tool

You can filter based on minimum and maximum timestamp of the events:

curl -vk -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Token <AUTH_TOKEN>' "https://eggtimer.herokuapp.com/api/v2/periods/?min_timestamp=2016-01-19&max_timestamp=2016-01-20" | python -m json.tool

Continuous Integration and Deployment

This project is already set up for continuous integration and deployment using circleci, coveralls, and Heroku.

Make a new Heroku app, and add the following addons:

Heroku Postgres
New Relic APM
Heroku Scheduler
Dead Man's Snitch

Enable the project on coveralls.io, and copy the repo token

Enable the project on circleci.io, and under Project Settings -> Environment variables, add:

COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN <value_copied_from_coveralls>

On circleci.io, under Project Settings -> Heroku Deployment, follow the steps to enable Heroku builds. At this point, you may need to cancel any currently running builds, then run a new build.

Once your app is deployed successfully, you can add the Scheduler task on Heroku:

python manage.py notify_upcoming_period --settings=eggtimer.settings

You can also set up Dead Man's Snitch so you will know if the scheduled task fails.

Thank you to: Emily Strickland (github.com/emilyst) for the name