macintosh ROM maps

This is a quick hack to generate Macintosh ROM map files that can be loaded into Ghidra. Apple released ROM maps with MPW. These are pulled from MPW 3.5 "gold master". I then converted them into unix line endings and munged them into the right format. The converted maps are in the "rom-maps" folder.

Don't see your mac listed? It's got the same map as one of the other ones. See "Makefile" to figure out which one, if you don't already know.

how to use

  1. Get Ghidra and make a new project
  2. Import the Mac ROM, probably as 68000 binary (or 020, or 040)
  3. Open it
  4. In the menu, click Window > Script Manager
  5. Doubleclick ImportSymbolsScript
  6. Select the ROM map
  7. Voila

If you want a nice starting point, go to the first label that's something like "INITSTART", click, and hit 'd', which will start some disassembly.


ran on bash/linux:

for FILE in from-mpw-gm-3.5/ROM\ Maps/ROM.List/*.lst ; do tr '\r' '\n' < "$FILE" | tail -n +9 | awk '{print $1, $3, "l"}' | head -n -1 | sed "s/ \$[0-9][0-9]\,/ /" | sed "s/\\$/0x/" | cat > "$FILE.txt" ; mv "$FILE.txt" rom-maps/ ; done

"" Ghidra file says:

"Imports a file with lines in the form "symbolName 0xADDRESS function_or_label" where "f" indicates a function and "l" a label"

I just add an l to everything because Apple's ROM maps aren't obvious in what is what.

there's a mystery here: in the ROM map files, a line can end with an "E", a "#", or nothing:

  • "E" seems to be functions? entry/exit something? public or something?
  • "#" seems to be data?
  • nothing who knows?

A traps bonus

Want to be able to diassemble Mac code without Ghidra crying at every A trap? Paste the contents of "ghidra-a-traps.txt" into "68000.sinc" below the line starting with ":nop".

This basically inserts ~1000 A traps as opcodes without providing any information to Ghidra about what they do. Still very helpful for manually inspecting code!