
http.request wrapper with gzip, request retries and http.Agent tuning

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Asker Build Status

Asker is a wrapper for http.request method, which incorporates:

  • response deflating using gzip,
  • requests retrying,
  • connection pools tuning.

If you are looking for a module to fetch 3rd-party web content (pages, RSS, files or something else), don't waste your time and look at the request module, because asker doesn't support cookies and redirects out of the box.

Asker's main goal is to communicate between frontends and backends that use some kind of SLA.

Quick start

var ask = require('asker');

ask({ host : 'ya.ru' }, function(error, response) {
    if (error) {
        return error.log();

    console.log('Response retrieved in ' + response.meta.totalTime + 'ms');
    console.log('==========\n', response.data, '\n==========');


All parameters are optional.

  • {String} host="localhost"
  • {Number} port=80
  • {String} path="/"
  • {String} protocol="http:"http: or https:
  • {String} url — Shorthand alternative for protocol, host, port and path options
  • {String} method="GET"
  • {Object} headers — HTTP headers
  • {Object} query — Query params
  • {String} requestId="" — Request ID, used in log messages
  • {*} body — request body. If it's an ObjectJSON.stringify is applied, otherwise it's converted to String.
  • {String} bodyEncoding="string" — Body encoding method (string, json, urlencoded, multipart or self implemented). More info.
  • {Number} maxRetries=0 — Max number of retries allowed for the request
  • {Function} onretry(reason Error, retryCount Number) — called when retry happens. By default it does nothing. As an example, you can pass a function that logs a warning.
  • {Number} timeout=500 — timeout from the moment, when a socket was given by a pool manager.
  • {Number} queueTimeout=timeout+50 — timeout from the moment, when asker initiated the request. Useful if pool manager failed to provide a socket for any reason.
  • {Boolean} allowGzip=true — allows response compression with gzip
  • {Function} statusFilter — status codes processing, see Response status codes processing section for details.
  • {Object} agent — http.Agent options, see Connection pools tuning section for details.

Response format

Succesful requests will return data and additional information in the following format:

{Object} response

  • {*} data received data (if response body wasn't provided, null is returned)
  • {Number} statusCode http status code
  • {Object} headers returned http headers (names are lowercased)
  • {Object} meta meta information
    • {Object} time request timers
      • {Number} network from socket open until the request completion
      • {Number} total total execution time
    • {Object} options options that you provided when created an Asker request
    • {Object} retries
      • {Number} used number of retries used
      • {Number} limit retries limit for a given request

Response status codes processing

When response status code is received, asker passes status code through the filter function, which should determine whether this response code is acceptable. And if not, whether is it necessary to retry a request.

The only filter function argument is code:

  • {Number} code is a response status code provided by asker.

Function must return an Object with two fields:

  • {Boolean} accept — whether to accept response with a given status code;
  • {Boolean} isRetryAllowed — whether to retry an unaccepted request.

Result must be returned ASAP, because filter's execution time WILL affect request timeouts.

Default filter accepts codes 200 and 201 and allows retries for all codes except 400-499.

Let's make a quick example. Suppose, we want to accept only responses with 200, 201 and 304 status codes and do not want to retry requests for 4xx.

var ask = require('asker');

function filter(code) {
    return {
        accept : ~[200, 201, 304].indexOf(code),
        isRetryAllowed : 400 > code || code > 499

ask({ host: 'data-feed.local', statusFilter : filter }, function(error, response) {
    // @see http://npm.im/terror for details about error codes
    if (error.code === ask.Error.CODES.UNEXPECTED_STATUS_CODE) {
        console.log('Response status code is not 200, 201 or 304');

    // ...

Body encoding

Body encoder converts body to corresponding format and sets Content-type header.

Built-in encoders

  • string — Used by default. Converts body to String. Accepts all types.
  • json — Applies JSON.stringify to the body. Accepts all types.
  • urlencoded — Converts body to query string. Accepts Object.
  • multipart — Formats body according to multipart/form-data spec. Accepts Object (or Buffer object).
  • raw – Use body as is. Accepts instance of Buffer. Remember to set content-type header manually if required.


If you pass Buffer as property value, mime-type application/octet-stream will be applied. And property name will be used as file name.

Otherwise, you can pass additional info (mime-type and filename) in parameter's description:

    bodyEncoding : 'multipart', // encoder name

    body : {
        'sample.mp3' : buffer, // an instance of Buffer, "sample.mp3" will be used as file name

        image : {
            filename : 'image.jpg',
            mime : 'image/jpeg',
            data : image_buffer // an instance of Buffer
}, function(error, response) {
    /* ... */


If you use body encoder, Asker can throw following errors:

  • BODY_ENCODER_NOT_EXISTS – unknown bodyEncoder has been passed;
  • BODY_INCORRECT_TYPEbody's type is not allowed by the encoder.

Custom encoders

To implement you own body encoder, you must add an encoding function as the Asker.bodyEncoders property. Property name will be used as the encoder name.


var Asker = require('asker');

// encoder name is 'trimText'
Asker.bodyEncoders.trimText = function(body, setContentType) {
    // throw error if passed body format is not acceptable for your encoder
    if (['number', 'string', 'boolean'].indexOf(typeof body) === -1) {
        throw AskerError.createError(AskerError.CODES.UNEXPECTED_BODY_TYPE, {
            type : typeof body,
            expectedTypes : 'Object'

    // 'content-type' header will be set to 'text/plain'

    return String(data).trim();

Note: setContentType sets Content-Type header only if header was not set before. But you can force overriding by passing true as second argument:

Asker.bodyEncoders.trimText = function(body, setContentType) {
    setContentType('nyan/colorful', true);

    return 'Colorful nyan cat';

Connection pools tuning

The problem

At this point of time (version 0.10 and below) node.js provides a socket pool manager that works as follows:

  • by default globalAgent is used for all outgoing http requests;
  • each Agent instance, including globalAgent, has a maxSockets property, which you can change;
  • socket limit is set for each unique host-port pair, that is served by this particular Agent.

That is sometimes an unwanted behaviour. Let's take an example.

You have two backends: backend:3000 and backend:4000. First backend is indispensable for the application, but the second one is complementary. E.g., it makes http calls for the advertisements that you show later.

Under heavy load this additional backend (which is usually less fault-tolerant) may occupy all sockets that OS provides for the whole node process, because default pool manager cares only about host-port pairs. defaultAgent does not anyhow correct each backend' socket limit according to process limit.


How Asker can help you manage this problem? Asker can create a custom instance of http.Agent for any given backend. And you can set up a maxSockets property by calculating each backend priority.


{Object} agent http.Agent options:

  • {String} name='globalAgent' unique name for this backend
  • {Number} maxSockets=1024 socket limit for this backend
  • {Boolean} persistent=true either agent would be deleted when it's last socket is removed. You can consider setting it to false, if you create agent's name in runtime.

Error handling

Asker produces errors using Terror, so you can setup your own logger and use error.log() method for logging.

If you already use Terror and created a logger for Terror itself, you shouldn't setup it again for AskerError.

AskerError class is available via request('asker').Error property. So you can, for example, localize error messages or customize it in your own way.