
Search service for making better use of Github information resources.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


In this hackathon, my team built a content search service named GithubEye to help people find Github repos. Here I give two scenarios when you may need this search service:

  1. You are following a lot of people and you want to find some interesting repos from these people. But you don't want to spend the whole afternoon to browse all these repos one by one. Fine, just use our service. Type your Github user name and your natural language description of what you are looking for. Then, our service return you the sorted repo list, according to the similarity to your description.

  2. You want to find some high qualified repos in some area. Although you are newbie in this area, you know some person who is famous in this area. Here you go! Type the Github user name of this famous person and your natural language description of what you are looking for. Then our service return you the sorted repo list from that famous person's following list.

You are welcomed to try our demo on this web address http://githubeye.mybluemix.net and to send pull requests to help us improve this project.

Anybody want to get involved in this long-term project is welcomed!

Currently contributor list (sorted by ID):

  • AaronHeee from Fudan University
  • buyijie from Fudan University
  • cyMichael from Fudan University
  • splintersu from Fudan University
  • Tankche1 from Fudan University