
Ruby bindings for the GoogleStorage API

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

This gem implements Ruby bindings for the GoogleStorage API.

Google Storage lets you store, share, and manage your data on Google's storage infrastructure. You can use Google Storage to store all sizes of files.


gem install google-storage


The basics:

# use the gem
require 'google-storage'
include GoogleStorage

# create a credentials object to use for services
credentials = Credentials.new :accesskey => '...', :secretkey => '...'
service     = Service.new credentials

# create a service object (alternative method)
service = Service.new :accesskey => '...', :secretkey => '...'

# list buckets
service.buckets.each do |entry|
  puts "#{entry[:name]} #{entry[:creation_date]}"

# get a reference to a bucket
bucket = service["my-bucket"] 

# get a reference to a bucket (using a credentials object)
credentials = Credentials.new :accesskey => '...', :secretkey => '...'
bucket      = Bucket.new "my-bucket", credentials

# get a reference to a bucket (alternative method)
bucket = Bucket.new "my-bucket", :accesskey => '...', :secretkey => '...'

# list contents of bucket
bucket.objects.each do |entry|
  puts "#{entry[:key]} #{entry[:last_modified]} #{entry[:size]}"

# create a folder
bucket.mkdir "private/folder"

# remove a folder
bucket.rmdir "private/folder"

# remove a folder but raise an error if it fails
bucket.rmdir! "private/folder"

# get a reference to an object
object = bucket["lorem-ipsum.txt"]

# check if an object is a file

# check if an object is a directory?

# check if an object is a directory? (alternative method)

# set a object's acl
object.acl = Acl.new(File.read "/path/to/acl.xml")

# get an object's acl
acl = object.acl

# download an object from the bucket
bucket.download "lorem-ipsum.txt"

# upload an object into the bucket
bucket.upload File.new("lorem-ipsum.txt")

# upload an object into the bucket in a specific location
bucket.upload File.new("photo.jpg"), :dest => "private/folder/photo.jpg" 

# delete an object
bucket.delete "private/folder/photo.jpg"

# delete an object (alternative method)
object = bucket["private/folder/photo.jpg"]

# delete an object but raise an error if it fails
object = bucket["private/folder/photo.jpg"]

# create a bucket
bucket = Bucket::create["my-other-bucket"]

# set a bucket's acl
bucket.acl = Acl.new(File.read "/path/to/acl.xml")

# get a bucket's acl
acl = bucket.acl

# delete a bucket

# delete a bucket but raise an error if it fails

# copy an object from another bucket
bucket.copy "source-bucket/photo.jpg"

# copy an object from another bucket into a specific location
bucket.copy "source-bucket/photo.jpg", :dest => "private/folder/photo.jpg"


Create a GoogleStorage::Configuration object by passing the path to a YAML file, or Hash containing the expected configuration keys and values:

config = Configuration.new '/path/to/google-storage.yml'

The credentials method will return a GoogleStorage::Credentials object using one of the key-pairs listed in the configuration file:

# use the key-pair labeled `development`
credentials = config.credentials :development 

# or, use the first key-pair listed in the configuration file
credentials = config.credentials            

You can then use the credentials object as described above.

Configuration File

The following is the layout of the configuration file as expected by the GoogleStorage::Configuration class:

# gem/library runtime settings
  # default protocol used when accessing the service provider
  ssl: true

  # default storage provider id (GOOG1 or AWS) when requesting service
  provider: GOOG1 

  # default storage provider host/end-point
  host: commondatastorage.googleapis.com

# set the appropriate values in this configuration file if you wish to run the 
# tests; ref: https://code.google.com/apis/storage/docs/developer-guide.html#authorization
  # google storage id
  id: 01231abcdef01293129481abcdef9856722458923abcdef93498ab2342bacdfe

  # email address
  email: user@example.com

  # forum/group email address (optional)
  group-email: gs-discussion@googlegroups.com

  # google apps email address (optional)
  apps-domain: user@example.com

  # google storage access_key/secret_key section; define as many pairs as \
  # needed - the label for each pair is arbitrary.
    accesskey: GOOGLQ344542322342BB                                   
    secretkey: TkIkd012+eUnkxNeXCzmPkilJeR5ZaODNEYp7uz6                

    accesskey: GOOGRESAMPLE12345BAC                                   
    secretkey: Hanothe3xamplea134af45sdgikLdz2rx1XRnmqb                

    accesskey: GOOGHJKL33MASAMPLE34                                   
    secretkey: AJYdwOneMor123Ex+ampl33tAbCdfegd2dfPiUNH                

For more information related to authorization requirements to Google Storage see the Google Storage API's Developer Guide

Runtime Settings

The settings section of the configuration file dictates the behavior of the gem at runtime. Assigning a Configuration object to the GoogleStorage::settings attribute applies its values:

GoogleStorage.settings = Configuration.new '/path/to/google-storage.yml'

Values from the settings section will then be used, eg: use https as the protocol when sending requests.



  • Nokogiri >=
  • Typhoeus >= 0.1.31

It also has pieces of the Facets gem embedded in the package itself.


  • yard >= 0
  • rspec >= 1.2.9


You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

You can also clone the project with Git by running:

git clone git://github.com/jurisgalang/google-storage

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Please read the RELEASENOTES file for the details of each release.

In general: patch releases will not include breaking changes while releases that bumps the major or minor components of the version string may or may not include breaking changes.


Juris Galang


Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.