
download an image node along with its css properties

Primary LanguageJavaScript


📷 targets at browser only

Why Not Right Click and Save

Because in that way the CSS properties added to the image will be lost

There is a more famous library, html2canvas, that provides the utility of converting the DOM nodes into a picture, but it does NOT add along with the CSS properties to the pictures.


npm install --save image-screenshot
import screenshot from 'image-screenshot'

const img = document.getElementById('my-img')


You might need some flexibility during the process, in which you could do:

screenshot(img).then((url) => {
  console.log('the base64 data url of the image is:', url)

Other than those, there is a helper function download that you could use elsewhere, after you get the base64 url:

import { download } from 'image-screenshot'

download(url, 'image.jpeg')  // the image will be downloaded into `image.jpeg` 


  • screenshot(img: DOMNode [, format: string, quality: float]): get the base64 url in a specific format, which is by default png. The image resolution quality is a float number that ranges from 0 to 1. The default is 0.97. The function returns a thenable object:
  url,  // get the url through screenshot().url
  then: callback,
  download: (downloadFileName: string) => void // defaults to 'image.${format}'
  • download(url: string, fullName: string) (Note that this is different from the download function returned from screenshot)

Who is Using image-screenshot