
Repository for VIMD - Team Freshspire

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Front-End Codebase for project Fresh Spire

Work flow

Clone the repo first

> git clone git@github.com:ckres/teamfresh.git
> cd ./teamfresh

Install all the dependencies (make sure you already have node.js installed)

npm install

and run

npm start

You will be redirected to http://localhost:3000 by default and everything is hot-reloaded, which means you don't have to refresh the browser everytime you did some code modification.

How to Work On Your Own Feature

We use React.js as the front-end framework, which is kind of component based. Generally you could follow the steps that I provide below:

  1. Create your own branch, I suggest using a formatt in yourName:featureName, like chang:view-deals
  2. Create a React component file, for example, ViewDeals.js
  3. Create its corresponding style file with the same file name, and use scss as extension, ViewDeals.scss
  4. Write the according route, in App.js
  5. Mock your data if needed. If it's a generic/big feature, ideally I recommend you create a separated store like DealStore.js. But don't create too many stores as this could be hard to maintain in the future.
  6. The bottom line is that it doesn't break the current code base, so plz make sure you fully test your feature.
  7. Push your feature and submit a pull request.



We use Sass, which is a preprocessor of css. It transform scss files to css. There are quite a few awesome features such as nesting, using variables, etc. It's quite easy to pick up.

But pay attention that in the .js files you are still importing .css rather than .scss

Every styles, sizes variables that could be shared across components, plz put it under theme.scss like this:

$spearmint-dark: #3dd28f;
$spearmint-light: #64dba5;

$grey-dark: #e9e9e9;
$grey-light: #f2f3f3;

$charcoal-dark: #2b2b2b;
$charcoal-light: #404041;


We use react-router to handle route. As you can see, this project is essentially a Single Page Application, in which we only have one html file and a single entry App.js.