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Primary LanguageJavaScript

MiniGame Server

A simple game server powered by Node.js. It only provides limited support for:

  • client connection management
  • message broadcasting
  • duplicate username checking

Don't Panic! :)


Install Node.js:

Assume you're using Ubuntu, fire your favourite terminal and type as follows:

sudo apt-get install nodejs npm

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/swpd/MiniGameServer.git

Change to directory:

cd MiniGameServer

Install necessary dependencies:

npm install

Run the server:

nodejs server.js

Everything is ready, enjoy~


Configuration is done by editing lib/config.js, each item is self-explaination.


A simple protocol is used to exchanged data between clients and server:

     header                body
| cmd | body length |      JSON       |
1 byte    2 bytes     variable length

JSON format

    'uid'    : 42,
    'pawnId' : 1,
    'name'   : 'leo',
    'x'      : 123.4,
    'y'      : 25.6,
    'growth' : 2.5,
    'isDead' : false,
    'error'  : 0

Command Code

  • 1: login
  • 2: logout
  • 3: update
  • 4: dead