
Tcl runtime for AWS Lambda

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Tcl runtime for AWS Lambda


package require lambdaric ?0.1?

lambdaric setupScript eventLambda
lambdaric::apig_event event
lambdaric::ns_compat::ns_conn op ?arg …?
lambdaric::ns_compat::ns_set op set ?arg …?
lambdaric::ns_compat::ns_respond ?-status httpCode? ?-type contentType? ?-string|-binary body?


This package provides the framework for implementing AWS Lambda functions in Tcl. It also provides optional helpers for handling events from API Gateway with event version 1 or 2 (also covers Application Load Balancers and Lambda Function URLs), exposing the HTTP request context in shims compatible with NaviServer.

Since time is money on AWS Lambda, this package goes to some lengths to be as efficient as possible in execution time and memory usage. It should be very feasible to do real work in a 128 MiB function with low single digit millisecond billed time.


  • lambdaric setupScript eventLambda
    Connect to the AWS Lambda Runtime API and start handling events. The script setupScript is run first (with errors reported to the runtime API), and then if that completed without errors, it enters a loop handling invocation events. Each event invokes the lambda eventLambda, which must accept two arguments: event and context, which are the JSON documents from the runtime API describing the event.

  • lambdaric::apig_event event
    Parses the JSON event as an API Gateway event of either version 1 or 2 and sets up the HTTP request context accordingly. The HTTP request context can be accessed through the ns_compat shims.

  • lambdaric::ns_compat::*
    Compatibility shims that implement a subset of the NaviServer Tcl API for interacting with the HTTP request state. See the NaviServer documentation for the commands of the same name for details.


Implement a hello world HTTP event handler, which would work with API Gateway, an Application Load Balancer or CloudFront (via a Lambda Function URL origin):

package require lambdaric
namespace import lambdaric::ns_compat::*

lambdaric {
    # Nothing to set up
} {{event context} {
    lambdaric::apig_event [encoding convertfrom utf-8 $event]
    ns_respond -type text/plain -string "hello from lambda"


This package has no external dependencies other than Tcl.

Currently Tcl 8.7 is required, but if needed polyfills could be built to support 8.6.

From a Release Tarball

Download and extract the release, then build in the standard TEA way:

wget https://github.com/cyanogilvie/tcl-lambdaric/releases/download/v0.1/lambdaric0.1.tar.gz
tar xf lambdaric0.1.tar.gz
cd lambdaric0.1
sudo make install

From the Git Sources

Fetch the code and submodules recursively, then build in the standard autoconf / TEA way:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/cyanogilvie/tcl-lambdaric
cd tcl-lambdaric
sudo make install

In a Docker Build

Build from a specified release version, avoiding layer pollution and only adding the installed package without documentation to the image, and strip debug symbols, minimising image size:

WORKDIR /tmp/tcl-lambdaric
RUN wget https://github.com/cyanogilvie/tcl-lambdaric/releases/download/v0.1/lambdaric0.1.tar.gz -O - | tar xz --strip-components=1 && \
    ./configure; make test install-binaries install-libraries && \
    strip /usr/local/lib/liblambdaric*.so && \
    cd .. && rm -rf tcl-lambdaric

For any of the build methods you may need to pass --with-tcl /path/to/tcl/lib to configure if your Tcl install is somewhere nonstandard.


The most recent release of this package is available by default in the alpine-tcl container image: docker.io/cyanogilvie/alpine-tcl and the cftcl Tcl runtime snap: https://github.com/cyanogilvie/cftcl.


This package’s source code is available at https://github.com/cyanogilvie/tcl-lambdaric. Please create issues there for any bugs discovered.


This package is placed in the public domain: the author disclaims copyright and liability to the extent allowed by law. For those jurisdictions that limit an author’s ability to disclaim copyright this package can be used under the terms of the CC0, BSD, or MIT licenses. No attribution, permission or fees are required to use this for whatever you like, commercial or otherwise, though I would urge its users to do good and not evil to the world.