
Free and easy-to-learn tools to create interactive charts and maps for your website. Read online or download this open-access book-in-progress, powered by GitBook.

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Tell your data story with free and easy-to-learn tools.

Data Visualization for All, an open-access textbook, shows how to design interactive charts and maps for your website. We begin with drag-and-drop tools and gradually work our way up to editing open-source code templates. This friendly introduction includes step-by-step tutorials, video screencasts, and real-world examples. Featured tools include Google Sheets, Tableau Public, Carto, Highcharts, Leaflet, GitHub, and more.

About the authors from Trinity College, Hartford CT: Jack Dougherty, Veronica X. Armendariz, Ilya Ilyankou, Stacy Lam, David Tatem, and guest contributor Derek Eder.

Read for free online (recommended) or download the PDF or ePUB or Mobi/Kindle editions.

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Creative Commons License
Data Visualization for All is copyrighted by Jack Dougherty and contributors and distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 International License. You may freely share and modify this content for non-commercial purposes, with a source credit to http://DataVizForAll.org.
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