
Used Keyboard Maestro to create quick shortcuts for essential data science functions.


Used Keyboard Maestro to create shortcuts for data science functions. Parameters to all functions are provided as fill-in-the-blanks. Macros and macro triggers can be edited using the Keyboard Maestro desktop app.

Visit https://www.keyboardmaestro.com/main/ to download compatible software for running macros.

Git Macros:

Trigger		Macro
;gita		Git – git add
;gitc		Git – git commit -m '
;gitpush	Git – git push -u origin master
;gitrem		Git – git remote add origin
;mga		Git – more .gitattributes
;gitrm		Git – Remove Local Git Repository
;git0h		Git – Undo Commits - reset HEAD~
;lflk		Git Lfs – git lfs ls-files
;lfmigall	Git Lfs – git lfs migrate import --everything --
;lft		Git Lfs – git lfs track '*.' - File Extension
;lfut		Git Lfs – git lfs untrack '

Matplotlib & Seaborn Macros:

Trigger		Macro
;mplaxt		Matplotlib – axes.set_title('')
;mplaxx		Matplotlib – axes.set_xlabel('')
;mplaxy		Matplotlib – axes.set_ylabel('')
;mplfa		Matplotlib – fix, axes
;mplfig		Matplotlib – plt.figure
;mpsub		Matplotlib – plt.subplot(, , )
;mplt		Matplotlib – plt.title('')
;mplx		Matplotlib – plt.xlabel('')
;mply		Matplotlib – plt.ylabel('')
;snsbar		Seaborn – sns.barplot
;snsbox		Seaborn – sns.boxplot
;snscount	Seaborn – sns.countplot
;snsdspine	Seaborn – sns.despine()
;snsdist	Seaborn – sns.distplot
;snsheat	Seaborn – sns.heatmap
;snscheat	Seaborn – sns.heatmap – df.corr
;snsjointg	Seaborn – sns.jointgrid
;snsjointp	Seaborn – sns.jointplot
;snskde		Seaborn – sns.kdeplot
;snslm		Seaborn – sns.lmplot
;snspp		Seaborn – sns.pairplot
;snsstrip	Seaborn – sns.stripplot
;snsswarm	Seaborn – sns.swarmplot
;snsviolin	Seaborn – sns.violinplot

Pandas & Numpy Macros:

Trigger		Macro
;argmax		Numpy  – .argmax()
;argmin		Numpy  – .argmin()
;copy		Numpy  – .copy()
;max		Numpy  – .max()
;mean		Numpy  – .mean()
;min		Numpy  – .min()
;sum		Numpy  – .sum()
;npreshape	Numpy – arr.reshape()
;npra		Numpy – np.arange(, )
;nparr		Numpy – np.array()
;exp		Numpy – np.exp()
;npi		Numpy – np.eye()
;nplin		Numpy – np.linspace((, , ))
;log		Numpy – np.log()
;np1		Numpy – np.ones((, ))
;nprand		Numpy – np.random.rand()
;npintrand	Numpy – np.random.randint()
;npnrand	Numpy – np.random.randn()
;sin		Numpy – np.sin()
;sqrt		Numpy – np.sqrt()
;np0		Numpy – np.zeros((, ))
;pdh		Pandas – .head()
;pdin		Pandas – .isnull()
;vc		Pandas – .value_counts()
;dfarea		Pandas – df.area
;pdfloat	Pandas – df.astype(float)
;pdint		Pandas – df.astype(int)
;pdstr		Pandas – df.astype(str)
;dfbar		Pandas – df.bar
;dfbox		Pandas – df.box
;pacon		Pandas – df.concat
;dfdrop		Pandas – df.drop
;dfgby		Pandas – df.groupby
;dfagggby	Pandas – df.groupby().agg(aggregations)
;dfinname	Pandas – df.index.name
;dfline		Pandas – df.line
;dfrename	Pandas – df.rename
;dfreplace	Pandas – df.replace
;dfscat		Pandas – df.scatter
;df2scat	Pandas – df.scatter - Joint Axis
;dfmatscat	Pandas – df.scatter_matrix
;dfsetax	Pandas – df.set_axis
;dfsort		Pandas – df.sort
;pdagg		Pandas – pd.agg
;pddf		Pandas – pd.df
;pdrcsv		Pandas – pd.read_csv
;pddate		Pandas – pd.to_datetime

Plotly & Cufflinks Macros:

Trigger			Macro
go.scatline		Plotly & Cufflinks – go.scatter Line Plot
go.scatmline		Plotly & Cufflinks – go.scatter Lines + Markers Plot
go.scatmark		Plotly & Cufflinks – go.scatter Marker
go.scatcmark		Plotly & Cufflinks – go.scatter Marker with Color Scale
;importpc		Plotly & Cufflinks – Import Libraries - Offline
;iplot3d		Plotly & Cufflinks – iPlot - 3D Surface
;iplotbar		Plotly & Cufflinks – iPlot - Bar
;iplotbox		Plotly & Cufflinks – iPlot - Box
;iplotbub		Plotly & Cufflinks – iPlot - Bubble
;iplotheat		Plotly & Cufflinks – iPlot - Heatmap
;iplothist		Plotly & Cufflinks – iPlot - Histogram
;iplotscat		Plotly & Cufflinks – iPlot - Scatter
;iplotspread		Plotly & Cufflinks – iPlot - Spread

Python (General) Macros:

Trigger		Macro
;importvis	Python – Import Standard Visualiation Libraries
;pdoc		Python – pydoc
;py		Python – python3.6
;ipy		Python Application – ipython
;jn		Python Application – jupyter notebook
;nt		Python Application – nosetests
;pyscaf		Python Application – pyscaffolding
;definit	Python Function – def __init__(self):
;pr		Python Function – Print
;pltdt		Python Module – Adspy Shared Utilities - plot_decision_tree
;;x		Python Module – exit()

Sci-Kit Learn Macros:

Trigger		Macro
;sykm		Sci-Kit Learn – Cluster - KMeans
;syrf		Sci-Kit Learn – Ensemble - Random Forest
;importsy	Sci-Kit Learn – Import Libraries
;sylr		Sci-Kit Learn – Linear Model - Linear Regression
;sylg		Sci-Kit Learn – Linear Model - Logistic Regression
;syrg		Sci-Kit Learn – Linear Model - Ridge Regression
;syoprr		Sci-Kit Learn – Linear Model - Ridge Regression - Optimization - alpha
;sycr		Sci-Kit Learn – Metrics - Classification Report
;sygcr		Sci-Kit Learn – Metrics - Classification Report - Post-Grid Search
;syms		Sci-Kit Learn – Metrics - Model Scores
;sygs		Sci-Kit Learn – Model Selection - Grid Search CV
;syopknn	Sci-Kit Learn – Neighbors - KNeighbors - Optimization - n_neighbors
;syknn		Sci-Kit Learn – Neighbors - KNeighborsClassifier
;symsc		Sci-Kit Learn – Preprocessing - MinMax Scaler
;sypf		Sci-Kit Learn – Preprocessing - Polynomial Features
;syqt		Sci-Kit Learn – Preprocessing - Quantile Transformer
;syrsc		Sci-Kit Learn – Preprocessing - Robust Scaler
;syssc		Sci-Kit Learn – Preprocessing - Standard Scaler
;sysvc		Sci-Kit Learn – SVM - C-Support Vector Classification
;sytts		Sci-Kit Learn – Train Test Split
;sydt		Sci-Kit Learn – Tree - Decision Tree
;syopdt		Sci-Kit Learn – Tree - Decision Tree - Optimization - max_depth

Scrapy Macros:

Trigger		Macro
;scsh		Scrapy – scrapy shell
;scsp		Scrapy – scrapy startproject
;scex		Scrapy – Xpath - .extract()
;sc@		Scrapy – Xpath - /@href
;sct		Scrapy – Xpath - /text()
;scrx		Scrapy – Xpath - resonse.xpath('

Terminal Macros:

Trigger		Macro
;cl		Terminal – Clear
;echo		Terminal – Echo Text to File
;znano		Terminal – Edit Oh My Zsh Nano File
;find		Terminal – Find File
;;n		Terminal – nano
;pipin		Terminal – Pip Install Package
;pipuser	Terminal – Pip Install User Package
;pipcurr	Terminal – Pip Reinstall Current Version
;;q		Terminal – quit()

Text Macros:

Trigger		Macro
⌘W		Text – Commenting - Highlight –> Comment
⌥X		Text – Cut Line of Text
F19		Text – End ) Go to Next Line
;;i		Text – File Extension - .ipynb
;;p		Text – File Extension - .py
;;t		Text – File Extension - .txt
;ut		Text – utf-8 strict

Virtualenvwrapper Macros:

Trigger		Macro
;av		Virtualenvwrapper – Activate Virtual Environment
;virw		Virtualenvwrapper – cd workon_home
;vircd		Virtualenvwrapper – cdvirtualenv
;da		Virtualenvwrapper – Deactivate Virtual Environment
;mkvir		Virtualenvwrapper – mkvirtualenv
;virset		Virtualenvwrapper – setvirtualenvproject