
My personal notes and scripts for my KDE neon setup

Primary LanguageShell

KDE Neon Handbook

System info: (KDE Neon + Plasma Wayland)

Resource Management

Large file and folder monitor

Use the CLI tool ncdu for a simple overview of the largest files and folders.


Find large files

Find files in current directory with a specified minimum size (in this example 100 MB)

find . -type f -size +100M


To automatically clear older files in the trash, run the following (example: files older than 40 days):

sudo apt-get install pipx
pipx install autotrash
autotrash -d 40 --install


See space used by system logs:

journalctl --disk-usage

Set maximum log retention time in /etc/systemd/journald.conf



Flatpak dark mode applications

To enable the Breeze Dark theme for Flatpak applications, change the setting in the following files:

~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini + ~/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini


Packages Cleanup

To automatically remove unused packages and applications:

sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean && flatpak uninstall --unused

Replace Legacy Keyrings

for KEY in $( \
    apt-key --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg list \
    | grep -E "(([ ]{1,2}(([0-9A-F]{4}))){10})" \
    | tr -d " " \
    | grep -E "([0-9A-F]){8}\b" \
); do
    apt-key export $K \
    | sudo gpg --dearmour -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/imported-from-trusted-gpg-$K.gpg

Source: https://askubuntu.com/a/1415702

Remove Plasma Welcome

sudo apt-get purge --autoremove plasma-welcome

Remove Bluetooth

sudo apt-get purge --autoremove bluez

Remove KWallet

sudo apt-get purge --autoremove kwalletmanager

Remove KDE Connect

sudo apt-get purge --autoremove kdeconnect

Remove all pip packages

pip freeze > requirements.txt
pip uninstall -r requirements.txt

Nvidia Graphics

To enable support for Nvidia Graphics Cards using Wayland do the following:

Install the Nvidia Wayland library:

sudo apt-get install libnvidia-egl-wayland1

Afterwards list available Nvidia graphics drivers for Ubuntu derivates and install the recommended one:

sudo ubuntu-drivers list
sudo ubuntu-drivers install

SSL Inspection

Add root CA to java

Navigate to */jbr or */jre and then lib/security.
Then type the following:

keytool -import -alias aldi -keystore cacerts -file ~/Dokumente/AlDiRootCA.crt



flatpak install flathub org.mozilla.firefox

To apply policies to Firefox via the policies.json, just place it at /var/lib/flatpak/app/org.mozilla.firefox/x86_64/stable/<id>/files/lib/firefox/distribution.
Restart Firefox and find applied policies at about:policies.

Custom configs not available with the centralized policy configuration:

  • full-screen-api.warning.timeout: 0 (disables the fullscreen popup)
  • reader.parse-on-load.enabled: false (disables the simplified reader mode)
  • remove all removable search keywords in the search settings


To install the current version (and not download from Ubuntu Universe) use the following installation instructions:

To allow logging to /var/log/onedrive, do the following:

sudo mkdir /var/log/onedrive
sudo chown root:niko /var/log/onedrive
sudo chmod 0775 /var/log/onedrive

Initialize onedrive:

After initializing onedrive and BEFORE running the first sync, copy config and sync_list to ~/.config/onedrive/. Check the config with onedrive --display-config.

First sync:
onedrive --resync --synchronize


To fix a buggy and old version in the default repo, load a newer version from a non-default repo:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:teejee2008/timeshift
sudo apt-get install timeshift=24.01.1-0
sudo apt-mark hold timeshift

Copy timeshift.json to /etc/timeshift/ to apply custom backup settings.
Adjust the backup drive if needed.


To install Wireshark and allow traffic capture on all interfaces, do the following:

sudo apt-get install wireshark
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/dumpcap
sudo adduser $USER wireshark

Other Tools


To set the JAVA_HOME variable, edit the .profile file in your home dir and add the following:

export JAVA_HOME="the path to the parent of your java bin path"
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH


sudo apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl
exiftool -all= file.png