
This repository is based on Raspberry pi

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ROS2 Based Intelligent Vision Robot

alt text

Table of Contents
  1. About This Repository
  2. Using this Repository
  3. Features
  4. Pre-Course Requirments
  5. Link to the Course
  6. Link to the Course
  7. Notes
  8. Instructors
  9. License

About this Repository

This repository is for a mobile robot which is a 2 wheel differential drive with a caster . We will First build the robot using 3D printed parts. All electronics is going to be explained for proper connections .

Raspberry Pi 4 is going to be main brain for this robot . ROS2 foxy and humble both are going to be utilized using this course . WiFi Communication between laptop and Raspberry Pi will be done .

We will look into image data transmission  and bandwidth optimization for our computer vision based projects . 

Using this Repository

  • Move into your workspace/src folder
cd path/to/ros2_ws/src/
##e.g cd ~/ros2_ws/src/
  • Clone the repository in your workspace
git clone https://github.com/noshluk2/ROS2-Raspberry-PI-Intelligent-Vision-Robot
  • Perform make and build through colcon
cd /path/to/workspace_root/
##e.g ~/ros2_ws_ws/
colcon build
  • Source your Workspace in any terminal you open to Run files from this workspace ( which is a basic thing of ROS )
source /path/to/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
  • (Optional for Power USERs only) Add source to this workspace into bash file
echo "source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

NOTE: This upper command is going to add the source file path into your ~/.bashrc file ( Only perform it once and you know what you are doing).This will save your time when running things from the Workspace


  • Robot Controller Driving
    • alt text
  • Maze Solving through QR with Opencv
    • alt text
  • Line Following Robot using Computer Vision
    • alt text
  • Surveillance based on AI robot
    • alt text

Pre-Course Requirments


  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Opencv 4
  • TensorFlow 2
  • ROS 2
  • Motivated mind for a huge programming Project :)


  • Raspberrypi 4
  • Two Geared Dc motors 12V
  • 12V lipo Battery
  • 3D print parts provided
  • Power Bank
  • Jumper Wires
  • L298D motor Driver

Link to the Course

Below is a discounted coupon for people who want to take the course in which more explaination to this code has been added

[Get course Here]


  • export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp


Muhammad Luqman (ROS Simulation and Control Systems) - Profile Link


Distributed under the GNU-GPL License. See LICENSE for more information.