
Find missing STL headers in a C++ file

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A tool to find missing stl headers in a c++ source/header file. The stl headers are supposed to be directly included in the source file, not through other includes indirectly.


Check and list missing stl headers.

Example commands:

$ python3 check-stl-headers.py file1.hpp file2.cpp ...
$ find ~/my-project/ -name "*.hpp" | xargs python3 check-stl-headers.py

Example outputs:

FILE: /home/work/my-project/include/mytest.hpp
++++++++++ MISSING HEADERS ++++++++++
+#include <cstring>     // std::memcpy
+#include <type_traits> // std::enable_if
+#include <utility>     // std::pair


Python script to create a dict to map std:xxxxx to the headers defining it. E.g., map std::cout to <iostream>.

Please note one stl function may be defined in several headers. So the value of the dict is a set. E.g., key = sin, value = {cmath, complex, valarray}.

The stl reference is fetched and parsed from www.cplusplus.com webpage. E.g., classes/functions in <tuple> is extracted from html page http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/tuple/, in the box at left bottom corner.


Pickle file storing the dict. Created by stl-func-to-header.py.


A csv file storing the function to header mapping. Generated from stl-func-to-header.py stdout.

Know issues

Some stl functions/classes are not available on cplusplus website, e.g., std::integer_sequence. And some info is not complete, e.g., chrono class is not listed in the chrono reference page. These symbols are missing in the generated dictionary and skipped in source code analysis.