Cyber-Dojo can be installed on any kubernetes cluster. This project contains installation scripts and instructions.
- bash
- Kubernetes 1.15+
- or Minikube 1.11+ with virtual-box driver and enabled ingress addon
- Helm V3 installed
minikube start --driver=virtualbox
minikube addons enable ingress
(optional) Reserve a static IP address, a domain and install a certificate manager providing let's encrypt certificates on your Kubernates cluster
- If you do not have registered a domain yet, you get one for free e.g. at
- After reserving a static IP address configure your DNS records
- Use cert-manager-nginx-controller-installer to configure your cluster as follows:
cd cert-manager-nginx-controller-installer
# Put your registered domain and your valid e-mail address into the "env" file
# Select your cluster as kubectl context, e.g. for cluster named cluster-1
kubectl config use-context cluster-1
# Run the script installing the cert-manager and the nginx-controller and registering the let's encrypt configuration
# Enter directory ./packager
cd ./packager
# run
# An optional argument <sha> represents a valid commit of
# If no argument is given, the latest version from the master branch is used.
# Enter directory packager/installer created by running script
cd ./installer
# Edit yml configuration files in the created installer directory in any text editor,
# There is additional information directly in the files.
# Run the script installing the cyber-dojo containers: