
Simple dockerized scalable API based on Node.js/express and MySQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Contacts API

After pulling the repository please add the .env file in the root directory based on .env.example with the correct environment variables.

  1. npm i for install node modules

  2. npm run start:dev for development environment

  3. npm run start:prod for production environment

  4. npm run build for build codes

The API will be run on port 3000. For sending a response to the API use the following URL

Local http://localhost:3331


The documentation of API You can see Local http://localhost:3331/api-doc Deployed

Deploying and run in a docker container

  1. Clone repository

  2. Commands to run make up ENV=dev for dev environment

    make up ENV=prod for prod environment

  3. Commands to disable make down ENV=dev for dev environment

    make down ENV=prod for prod environment

  4. For connecting to containers make exec_api ENV=dev or docker exec -it contacts-api-dev /bin/bash

    make exec_api ENV=prod or docker exec -it contacts-api-prod /bin/bash

For rebuild container after changes in the repository

  1. git fetch

  2. git pull

  3. make up ENV=dev for dev environment

  4. make up ENV=prod for prod environment