A little bit less hackish way to intercept and modify non-HTTP protocols through Burp & others.
- 0xJeti
- 5y5tem5
- 8l1NKY
- aweMinchoo
- bhumishCivica
- BlBanaXi'an, China
- chbalabayov
- cincly
- dee-seeGitLab
- flowwang
- genuinemoses@254Labs
- gnoughtDevOps, IoT
- gnremy
- irguru
- jimdi@Technologiya
- JSilver-LegendGH_Soft
- k-sau
- MajorD4m4ge
- mbrpdr
- mdiqbalahmad
- michael1026
- nimrods8CyberArk Labs
- parsiya169.254.0.1
- paulhendricksenColorado
- shadowsock5
- shuxiaa
- Siegelcppuniversity centre of the westfjords
- soiax
- spenkkKosovo
- TaiusUnited Kingdom
- TBOsecChina
- totoabaTotoabaSoft
- TylerWhittakerProvidence, RI
- vay3tV for Vay3t
- waveburst
- xrkkBLCU