
Bang! Load your web app.

Primary LanguageGo


Bang is a tool to send load to your web app.


Download and install :

$ git clone git://github.com/cyberdelia/bang.git
$ go get
$ go install


To run 10 workers during 10 seconds :

$ bang -url http://localhost:5000 -concurrency=10 -duration=10s
Running 10 workers for at least 10s
Starting to load the server
Successful calls  		     67040
Total time        		        10.00s
Fastest           		         0.00s
Slowest           		         0.01s
Mean              		         0.00s
Standard deviation		         0.00s
Median            		         0.00s
75th percentile   		         0.00s
95th percentile   		         0.00s
99th percentile   		         0.00s
99.9th percentile 		         0.00s
Mean rate         		      6702.37
1-min rate        		      6757.18
5-min rate        		      6765.09
15-min rate       		      6766.49


Bang tries to be helpful and has plenty of options :

$ bang -h
Usage of bang:
  -body="": Request body
  -concurrency=10: Concurrency
  -content-type="text/plain": Content-Type
  -duration="10s": Duration
  -method="GET": HTTP method
  -url="": URL to hit


Bang is born out of the curiosity to build something like boom in Go.