⚠️ - Below tools that are marked with ✔️ are recommended.

⚠️ - These are open source tools, always read the tools source code before running it. Stay safe!

CyberDrop Downloaders

List of downloaders built by the community. If you have created a downloader or tool for the site please submit a PR with it

Prebuilt Binaries

These tools have installers ready to go. Visit the 'Releases' page and download the archive that isn't labeled 'Source Code'.

  • CLI: Command line tool for use in a terminal, command prompt, powershell, etc.
  • GUI: Downloader with an interface. Probably what you want.

Windows Apps

OSX (Apple)


List of languages






Shell Script

Telegram Bot

Disclaimer blah blah blah

These tools are not endorsed, associated, or supported by the cyberdrop.me service or team. It is the end users responsibility to ensure the code does exactly what the developer claims.

Direct any questions, issues, requests, etc about these tools to their respective developers.