
Video(and audio) component for react-native apps, supporting both iOS and Android. A unified and elegant player controller is provided by default. The API is similar with HTML video.

Primary LanguageJava


Video(and audio) component for react-native apps, supporting both iOS and Android, with API similar to HTML video.

A default set of controls is provided to play/pause, seek and to display current playback and buffer progress.

Runs on react-native 0.28+ (The limit exists due to ActivityIndicator comes after 0.28).

Supported media types:

  • iOS: Should be same as those supported by AVPlayer

  • Android: Shold be same as those supported by ExoPlayer



npm install --save react-native-media-kit@latest


For now, just drag react-native-media-kit.xcodeproj into your Xcode project and link the libreact-native-media-kit.a library.



include ':react-native-media-kit'
project(':react-native-media-kit').projectDir = new File('../node_modules/react-native-media-kit/android')


dependencies {
    compile project(':react-native-media-kit')

MainActivity.java (or MainApplication on rn 0.29+)

import com.greatdroid.reactnative.media.MediaKitPackage;
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
        new MainReactPackage(),
            new MediaKitPackage()



The API is designed to mimics html <video />. (For now, the Video and Audio component are identical)


Liroo added some custom/js props which is not relative to html.

See #26 for further information about this PR.

key value type default
src the URL of the video string (url)  null
autoplay true to automatically begins to play. bool  false
preload can be 'none', 'auto'. string 'none'
loop true to automatically seek back to the start upon reaching the end of the video. bool  false 
muted true to silence the audio. bool false 
controls true to show controls to allow user to control video playback, including seeking, and pause/resume playback. bool true
poster an image URL indicating a poster frame to show until the user plays. string (url) null
title If controls is true and title is defined, title will be display on the video string  null
fullscreenEnable Add a fullscreen button controls (You must create your own view in full screen. Disable if you do not want) bool true
onFullScreen Callback called when fullscreen button is pressed  func (fullscreenState: bool, currentTime: number)  undefined
showControlsTimer in ms, the time of appearance of controls number  2500 (2.5s)
 seekTo a special parameter that will start the video at the given value (normally used to manage the view in full screen)  number  0
 * Demo/App.js

import {Video} from 'react-native-media-kit';
render() {
  return (
      style={{width: width, height: width / (16/9)}}

For details about the usage of above APIs, check library/MediaPlayerView.js.


  • background play
  • Hit on slider (PR on the original dependency)