
Personal, responsive, minimalist and open-source theme for Ghost blogging platform.

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION

Yanagi Ghost Theme 1.0.1

This is my fork of Willow Ghost Theme 4.1 by Raivis Vitols.

Theme Compatibility

Theme is fully compatible with Ghost 1.X versions. I'm in the process of adding multilanguage support.

Theme Demo

This theme is currently being used on my personal blog - https://www.alexandremercier.jp/.

Compiling SASS & Minifying JavaScript

The theme is using the original Gruntfile.js. I'll try to update it and make a Webpack, just to be like the cool kids.

That one developer still using a Gruntfile pic.twitter.com/OHOc4UTaxV

— I Am Devloper (@iamdevloper) May 2, 2018
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Anyway, requires Grunt task runner & NPM to be installed.

$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ cd content/themes/[theme-folder]
$ npm install
$ grunt

Editing Social Links and Promo Links

Edit the content/themes/[theme-folder]/partials/sidebar.hbs file. Social links are in DIV with class c-sidebar-contact-links and promo links are in c-sidebar-promotion-links DIV - just edit the anchors added inside them.

Enabling Disqus Comments Box

  1. Edit the content/themes/[theme-folder]/post.hbs file, uncomment <!--{{> "comments"}}--> partial inclusion.

  2. Replace Disqus embed code with your site code. Edit content/themes/[theme-folder]/partials/comments.hbs file and replace loadDisqusComments function body with Disqus embed code function.


I don't have time for this.