


Installing dependencies

Before start, make sure that you're using the right node version. You can use nvm to change a node version to one that specified inside .nvmrc.

  • Run command npm ci

Running application

Command Description
npm run start Running application in development mode.

Testing application

We're using Vitest for unit tests and Cypress for integration tests

Command Description
npm run build:test Builds application to use in Cypress tests.
npm run cy:open Opens Cypress UI.
npm run cy:run Runs Cypress tests.
npm run start:test Runs dev server to use in Cypress tests.
npm run test Runs unit tests in watch mode.
npm run test:ci Runs unit tests once and outputs test coverage.
npm run test:integration:debug Builds application to use in Cypress tests and serves files from build folder.
npm run preview:test Serves files from build folder to use in Cypress tests.

Running unit tests

  • Run npm run test

Emulating running unit tests in CI

  • Run npm run test:ci

Developing integration/component tests

  • Run npm run start:test
  • Wait unless server is started
  • Run npm run cy:open
  • Use Cypress UI to select test

Emulating running integration/component tests in CI

  • Run npm run test:integration:debug
  • Wait unless server is started
  • Run npm run cy:run

Debugging failed integration/components tests in CI

  • Run npm run test:integration:debug
  • Run npm run cy:open
  • Wait unless server is started
  • Use Cypress UI to select test you want to debug

Installing new packages

Dependencies saved to package.json will be configured with an exact version rather than using npm's default semver range operator.

npm install <package-name> --save-exact
npm install <package-name> --save-dev --save-exact

Updating packages

We recommend using npm-upgrade to manage dependencies.


Build tools

This project was bootstrapped with Vite.

Commit Style Guide

Project follows Conventional Commits specification

Confused picking commit name? Consult this cheatsheet

Code Style Guide:

  • Code style is inspired by Airbnb Guide
  • If you find that some rules are harmful or missing, raise a PR with your proposal
Command Description
npm run audit:deadcode Check for unused exports from modules. Results would be written into deadcode.txt in project root.
npm run lint Runs code style and format checks and prints results to console.
npm run format Runs code style and format checks and tries to autofix problems



Command Description
npm run storybook Launches Storybook in development mode.
npm run build-storybook Builds Storybook for hosting.


  • Manually trigger Release workflow from Actions tab on main branch
Command Description
npm run build Builds project for production use.