
telegram bot with hentai boobas

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Booba watcher

Dynamic JSON Badge Go Report Card

Automatic moderator for adult Telegram channel, now with dokku deployment

Setup instructions

  1. Install dokku on your VPS
  2. Install dokku redis plugin
  3. Create Redis base with dokku redis:create booba
  4. Create an app and link it with Redis by dokku redis:link booba <YOUR_APP>
  5. Push this repo for your app
  6. Add SSL cert with dokku-letsencrypt
  7. Add webhook using this guide (endpoint should be https://your-hosting/your-token)
  8. Set some vars:
    • TG_CHAT - numeric ID of chat
    • DANBOORU_API_KEY - your gold account danbooru API key
    • DANBOORU_LOGIN - your danbooru login
    • DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL - your let's encrypt email
    • TG_TOKEN - your bot token
  9. You should restart app with dokku ps:restart <YOUR_APP> every day to rebuild cache (don't worry, bot will be up during restart, new container will replace old after building cache)
  10. You could post into TG_CHAT channel with docker exec <YOUR_APP>.web.1 /app/sigusr1.sh
  11. First start will take about 2 minutes