Directory Tree Generator

This Python script generates a visual representation of a directory tree structure, similar to the Linux tree command. It supports various customization options such as including or excluding files, ignoring specific folders, limiting the depth of the tree, and adding placeholder comments for each file or directory in the output.


  • Display a visual representation of a directory tree structure
  • Include or exclude files from the output
  • Ignore specific folders
  • Limit the depth of the tree
  • Add placeholder comments for each file or directory in the output


  • Python 3.6 or higher


  1. Clone or download the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory containing the script.
  3. Run the script by executing python
  4. Customize the script by modifying the variables in the if __name__ == "__main__": block at the end of the script:
if __name__ == "__main__":
    folder_path = 'path/to/your/folder'
    level_deep = 2
    include_files = False
    folders_to_ignore = ['node_modules']
    include_comments_placeholder = False

    tree(folder_path, level_deep, include_files,
         folders_to_ignore=folders_to_ignore, include_comments_placeholder=include_comments_placeholder)
  • folder_path: The path to the folder you want to visualize.
  • level_deep: The depth of the tree structure to display.
  • include_files: Set to True to include files in the output, False to display only directories.
  • folders_to_ignore: A list of folder names to ignore in the output.
  • include_comments_placeholder: Set to True to include placeholder comments for each file or directory in the output.

Example Output

// example comment
│   // example comment
├── public
│   // example comment
├── src
│   // example comment
│   └── assets
│   // example comment
└── youtube-video-notes

This output shows a visual representation of a directory tree structure, with placeholder comments for each file and directory, and with the same indentation.