
A Telegram bot written in Rust.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Table of Contents



Knight-Bot is a telegram bot written in rust based on gramme.rs framework.

Support chat

Support chat for this bot can be found here.


Setting up your environment

  1. Download Rust
  2. Create a new bot using @Botfather
  3. Setup an X server and install CutyCapt

Build manually

$ git clone https://github.com/cyberknight777/knight-bot
$ cd knight-bot
$ mv example-config.toml config.toml
$ # Edit config.toml to include your api id and hash grabbed from my.telegram.org and your bot token.
$ cargo run --release

Commands available currently

  • /aur [package] - Gets package information from AUR.
  • /cat [http code] - Sends cat pic according to http codes.
  • /dog [http code] - Sends dog pic according to http codes.
  • /eightball - Rolls an eightball to say yes/no.
  • /flipcoin - Flips a coin to say heads/tails.
  • /help - List of all supported commands.
  • /ipa [ip] - Get ip information from ipinfo.io
  • /link [url] - Get last redirected URL
  • /l - To say your lucky number.
  • /magisk [stable/beta/canary] - Gets download link of latest Magisk variant according to variant.
  • /man [command] - Gets information of a command from manpages.
  • /msg [text] - Bot replies with your text.
  • /neo - Sends neofetch output.
  • /ping - Checks how fast I can respond.
  • /plant [http code] - Sends plant pic according to http codes.
  • /run - Runnns :).
  • /start - Redirect to /help.
  • /uid - Get current chat’s ID, your ID, replied users ID (if any).
  • /urb [term] - Get definition of a term from urban dictionary.
  • /webshot [website] - Takes a webshot and sends it to the chat.
  • /whois [site] - Gets WHOIS information of a site.

Commands on TODO list

  • k.ul [file] - Upload a file.
  • k.sh [command] - Execute a shell command.
  • k.dl [link] - Download a file.
  • /paste - Paste text in reply to rustbin.
  • /anyone - Sends a why do you ask text.
  • /rtfm - Sends a RTFM text.
  • /qrd - Decodes a QR Code.
  • /qrg [text] - Generates a QR Code.

Find this bot

You can find this bot here