API Documentation (First Prototype)

This is an API that facilitates creation of classrooms


  • An API interactve client eg Postman or RapidAPI.

GET all data (Using Postman)

  1. visit the base URL/classes eg localhost:5000/class
  2. Set the API call to GET request (The default in postman is already GET)
  3. Hit Send and retrieve the data.

GET specific data using 'id'

NOTE: The only available retrieve parameter available is the 'id'

  1. visit the base URL/classes eg localhost:5000/class
  2. append the data id after a forward slash to the end eg localhost:5000/class/2, where 2 is the id
  3. Set the API call to GET request
  4. Hit send

POST data to the database, create a class

  1. visit the base URL/classes eg localhost:5000/class
  2. Go to Headers in the postman client and set Content-Type to application/json
  3. Go to Body and input the url and action in a JSON format with keys 'url' and 'action' eg


"url": "crowdclassroom.com",

"action": "Created crowdclassroom"


  1. Hit Send


  • ALways use a double-quote when creating JSON objects for POST and PUT request
  • The id parameter is auto-incremented and should not be tampered with.

PUT (Update Specific data)

  1. visit the base URL/classes eg localhost:5000/class
  2. append the data id to be updated after a forward slash to the end eg localhost:5000/class/2, where 2 is the id
  3. Input the new JSON data
  4. Hit Send

DELETE (Delete Specific data)

  1. visit the base URL/classes eg localhost:5000/class
  2. append the data id to be deleted after a forward slash to the end eg localhost:5000/class/2, where 2 is the id
  3. Hit Send