PowerApps Design Patterns

Disclaimer: This is based on my own experience designing and architecting a powerapps canvas app

OnStart Rules:

Cache App Data and configurations in a global variable

Set(AppData, {
    Title: "My PowerApps Canvas",
    AppID: "",
    BaseVersion: "",
    CustomVersion: "",
    Author: ""

Cache User Data and Permissions in a global variable

Set(CurrentUser, {
    Profile: Office365Users.UserProfile(User().Email),
    Image: Office365Users.UserPhoto(User().Email),
    Groups: Filter(GroupsList, User().Email in GroupMembers.Email),
    Roles: Filter(RolesList, CurrentUser.Profile.Mail in Members.Email)


  1. You can simulate other user with minimal code changes, useful when debugging permissions
  2. Scalable and used this to manage account permissions and groups
  3. Cached user metadata and reduce API calls