
Automates searching Shodan for vulnerable systems in your neighborhood.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Starcluster automates searching for vulnerable systems within the same postal code. It is written in Python 3 and relies on three, third-party libraries: the Shodan API, GuerrillaMail, and MechanicalSoup.

Shodan is the flare-gun of the script. With an API key & query statement, it searches its remote database of devices directly connected to the Internet. GuerrillaMail generates temporary e-mailboxes that expire after one hour (used to register for a Shodan account). MechanicalSoup is a combination of two other libraries: Mechanize and BeautifulSoup. The former interacts with web pages and submit forms while the latter parses HTML tags.

Installation (Kali)

Download script

git clone https://github.com/cyberphor/starcluster.git

Update what your package manager has cache

sudo apt update

Install Python 3 and the Python Package Installer (PIP)

sudo apt install python3-pip

Install third-party libraries

sudo pip3 install shodan python-guerrillamail mechanicalsoup


Run script with default arguments


Run script with custom arguments

/path/to/starcluster.py -a <API key> -p <postal code>


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.