
This class is a simple wrapper for the python-binance package.

Primary LanguagePython


This class is a simple wrapper for the python-binance package.


Assuming python is already installed.

git clone https://github.com/cyberpz/BinancePz.git
cd BinancePz
pip install -r requirements.txt

Ignore warnings, go for a ride.


  1. Rename the file cretentials.template.json into credentials.json and open it
  2. Generate a telegram token for your notifier (from @botfather)
  3. Generate Binance API key
  4. Copy and paste all keys into credentials.json file
  5. (Optional, but highly suggested) Enable IP filtering on the Binance API key, so you know that only you are using the keys.

Ok now you can create a little file:

from BinancePz import BinancePz
import json

config = json.load(open('credentials.json'))
pz = BinancePz('',

for coin in pz.get_wallet():

and lunch it:

python file.py

Good bye!!!

No Documentation, it's all up here, for ITALIAN version clikc here!


  • get_wallet - Gathers all spot wallet
  • get_asset - Gathers quantity of specified coin in spot wallet
  • spot_balance - Returns total wallet value in USD
  • current_btc_price - Returns current BTCUSDT value
  • pretty - Return the right rounded number rispectively to the symbol (types: quotePrice, exitPrice, qty)
  • transfer_dust - Transfer coins from Spot to Fundings
  • funds_to_spot - Transfer coins from Fundings to Spot
  • get_closest_ask_price - Usefull shortcut for trading operation
  • get_closest_bid_price - Usefull shortcut for trading operation
  • send_message - Sends message to telegram admins