Malaysian Elections Data Repository

This repository contains data that has been scraped from the following sources:

Cleaned datasets and code books

You can access the CSV files of the cleaned datasets in the cleaned subfolder under the data folder.

The cleaned data is seperated into a folder for the data from The Star and one for

In each of the sources' respective folders, there is are files for

  • results: which contain data about the votes obtained by each candidate
  • constituency_info: which contains data about each constituency
  • CODEBOOK: which contains a metadata about the variables in each data file

Methodology, code and raw data

The data was scraped using python scripts contained in the following jupyter notebooks:

SVG files of the constituency boundaries avaialble from The Star was also scraped (code is in the same notebook) and raw SVG files are in the svgs folder.

Scraping and cleaning data from The Star's election dashboard

Data from The Star was scraped from the HTML pages and parsed cleaned using code from this notebook. Raw data in CSV files can be found here.

Data from The Star was available for the 2018 general elections (GE14) for the parliamentary elections and the state elections.

Scraping and cleaning data from Malaysiakini's site

Data from was scraped from the website's API using code from this notebook. Raw data in JSON files can be found here.

Data from was available for the 2004, 2008, 2013, and 2018 general elections (GE11, GE12, GE13, GE14) for the parliamentary elections and the state elections.

Note: also contains results of state elections in Sabah (2020), Malacca (2021) and Sarawak (2016, 2021) but this data has not been scraped and added to this repo yet.


This repo is part of a collaborative project by Southeast Asian civic tech groups (including Thibi and Data-N) to provide open data and open sourced data visualisations for the Malaysian elections.

We plan to add data for the 2022 General Elections (GE15) as soon as possible after the official results are announced.

All the data used for the data visualisations will be available in this repo and we will be sharing the website where you can find the data visualisations very soon.