- Overview
- Acceptance Criteria
- Application Screenshot
- Links
- Built with
- What I learned
- Useful resources
- Author
- Acknowledgments
This application was built to consolidate JavaScript skills I have learned so far - it enables the user to generate a random password based on criteria they’ve selected
This app runs in the browser, and features dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript code
It has a clean and polished user interface that is responsive, ensuring that it adapts to multiple screen sizes
HTML and CSS have been included in a starter code but re-styled according to the client's preferences
Generate a password when the button is clicked
Present a series of prompts for password criteria
Length of password
- At least 10 characters but no more than 64
Character types
- Lowercase
- Uppercase
- Numeric
- Special characters ($@%&*, etc)
Code should validate for each input and at least one character type should be selected
Once prompts are answered then the password should be generated and displayed in an alert or written to the page
The app should not produce any errors in the console when inspected using Chrome DevTools
Application user experience is intuitive and easy to navigate
Application user interface style is clean and polished
The following animation shows my web aplication's appearance:
You will be able to acces the app URL if you navigate into Settings → Pages inside this repository
Or, click on this link: Password Generator
- JavaScript
Focus was on JavaScript functions recap
I've learned that console and DevTools are my best friends when working with JavaScript
Key takeaways from this project, based on some challenges encoutered:
Always check if the function was correctly returned! Challenge: I had an issue with calling a nested function within the main function - passOptions object from password options functions was not returning any values when ran in the main function, despite correctly accessed, because my getPasswordOptions function was not returned. Resolved with the debugger
On each function execution, my password textarea was stacking newly generated password. Again, with the debugger, I have noticed that the function does not fgo over an empty password variable as it was declared globally, s moved it inside the function
©️ Helena Gilja
- GitHub - cyberrie
🌟 Big thanks to my fellow Developer Warren and my tutor Alistair for answering some of the questions I had when completing this project.