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This application was built to consolidate WEB APIs knowledge;
A timed coding quiz with multiple-choice questions, related to JavaScript
Runs in the browser, and features dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by JavaScript code
Create a code quiz that contains the following requirements:
A start button that when clicked a timer starts and the first question appears
Questions contain buttons for each answer
When answer is clicked, the next question appears
If the answer clicked was incorrect then subtract ten seconds time from the clock
The quiz ends when all questions are answered or the timer reaches 0
When the game ends, it should display their score and give the user the ability to save their initials and their score
P.S. 🔊 There is a sound to question feedback, so make sure to reduce your volume 🫠
The following animation demonstrates the application functionality:
You will be able to acces the app URL if you navigate into Settings → Pages inside this repository
Or, click on this link: JavaScript Quiz
Web APIs: Document Object Model
Identifying, creating and selecting DOM elements, in order to change the document structure, style and content
Local Storage facts, how to store data in local storage and how to retrieve it
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON): data-interchnage format as a part of storing and retrieving data from local storage
©️ Helena Gilja
- GitHub - cyberrie