Professional README Generator

Table of contents


This is a command-line application that dynamically generates a professional file from a user's input using the Inquirer package.

Acceptance Criteria

  • When a user is prompted for information about the application repository then a high-quality, professional is generated with:

    • The title of my project

    • Sections entitled:

      • Description
      • Table of Contents
      • Installation
      • Usage
      • License
      • Contributing
      • Tests
      • Questions
    • When a user enters the project title then it is displayed as the title of the README

    • When a user enters a description, installation instructions, usage information, contribution guidelines, and test instructions then this information is added to the sections of the README entitled Description, Installation, Usage, Contributing, and Tests

    • When a user chooses a license for their application from a list of options then a badge for that license is added near the top of the README and a notice is added to the section of the README entitled License that explains which license the application is covered under

    • When a user enters their GitHub username then this is added to the section of the README entitled Questions, with a link to their GitHub profile

    • When a user enters their email address then this is added to the section of the README entitled Questions, with instructions on how to reach them with additional questions

    • When a user clicks on the links in the Table of Contents then they are taken to the corresponding section of the README


The application can be invoked by using the following command:

node index.js

Application Demo

Open the following link to view App Demo:

README Generator

Built with...

  • JavaScript

  • Node.js

  • Inquirer

What I learned

  • I can now differentiate between JavaScript in the browser and Node.js environments and run simple JavaScript files from the command line using Node.js

    • Understanding arrow functions and how they impact the this context

    • Run Node.js applications from the command line with arguments

    • Import and use the native fs module to read and write to the file system

    • Initialize projects and install third-party modules like inquirer using npm

    • Use dependencies and investigate the content of package.json

    • Identify how and when to use the spread and rest operators

    • Use destructuring assignment syntax to unpack values from arrays, or properties from objects, into unique variables

Directions for future development

Things for the future may include:

  • Dynamic Rendering on Table of Contents, based on user's chosen options

  • Removing README section in case user selects 'N' to confirm input

Useful Resources


©️ Helena Gilja 2023. All Rights Reserved.


Big thanks to my tutor Dane for anwering any burning questions I had during this project ✨