This script conducts a passive scan to detect exploitation attempts for the CVE-2021-44228 log4j2 RCE.
Requires python3 installed to be run.
$ python [-h] [-p path] [-d maxdis] [--fast] [--debug] [--defaultpaths]
Log4Shell Exploitation Detection
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p path Path to scan
-d maxdis Maximum distance between characters
--debug Debug output
--fast Skip log entries that are timestamped not in Years 2021/2022.
Given the path to "log4j" log files, example: /var/log, The script searches each log file for exploit strings
( ${jndi:ldap:/', '${jndi:rmi:/', '${jndi:ldaps:/', '${jndi:dns:/ )
Note that the string characters could be disperesed across the file line by line. Use the maxdis argument to specify the maxiumum distance expected between characters. Default = 20.