2024/02/28: Currently doing a code refactor and adding support for:
- Censys
- Shodan
- URLScan
Linux support is here. The color coding works perfectly in the linux terminal. To run the tool in Linux without the need for Jupyter Notebook simply run:
python analyst_tool.py
A python script in Jupyter Notebook to automate as much as possible (simply copy one of the following to your clipboard) an analyst's investigation and intelligence gathering for:
- Domains
- Hashes
- IP addresses
- Mitre ATT&CK Tactics, Techniques & Sub-Techniques
- Ports
- Windows Event IDs.
- Epoch timestamp conversion to human readable.
- OTX Pulse ID Lookup
Once configured simply copy one of the above items and program will do the rest based on the configured modules and present the information to the screen.
In addition I want to make this tool to be beneficial to both new and seasoned analysts alike where it automatically presents useful information by simply copying something to the clipboard. The For more see the planned features & updates section.
- attackcti
- configparser
- ipwhois
- IPython
- OTXv2
- pycti
- pyperclip
- validators
- Sign up for the free API's of any of the modules you wish to use
- Current Modules Available:
- Abuse IP DB - Requires an API Key
- AlienVault OTX - Reaquires and API Key
- VirusTotal - Requires an API Key
- OpenCTI - Requires an API Key
- NOTE: It is recommended to at least configure the VirusTotal module.
- Current Modules Available:
- Open the config.ini file and place your API Keys in the appropriate place
accept = application/json
accept = application/json
x-apikey = API_KEY_GOES_HERE
otx_api_key = API_KEY_GOES_HERE
server = https://otx.alienvault.com/
opencti_api_url = URL_FOR_OPENCTI_GOES_HERE
- Install Anaconda
- Open Anaconda prompt and type:
conda update conda
- Once the update finishes navigate to the directory where you cloned this repository
- In the Anacanda prompt type:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Once this completes simply run jupyter notebook
- Left click on the file named "Analyst Tool.ipynb"
- You will then be presented with the following which is the actual jupyter notebook:
- To begin using the notebook you can run it in one of 2 ways:
- Left click the Run button
- Ensure the box with the code is highlighted in blue (done by left clicking once) and pressing "Shift + Enter"
- It is now running and you should see the following output
- Note: This will only occurr the first time you run the notebook each time. As it runs on a continuous loop to monitor your clipboard until killed.
- It will output the following
Updated AlienVault OTX Output Updated picture to follow
AlienVault OTX IP Report:
dorkingbeauty1 Intel: Yes
Pulse Created: 2022-02-14T03:25:39.705000
Pulse Modifed: 2022-02-14T03:25:39.705000
Pulse: https://otx.alienvault.com/pulse/6209cbb3a50149391bd1040b
pr0viehh Intel: No
Avertium Intel: No
Related Pulses: 50
Reputation: None
Passive DNS: 2 Domains
First Seen: 2018-09-23T22:00:00
Last Seen: 2018-09-23T22:00:00
Hostname: tor-exit0-readme.dfri.se
First Seen: 2017-04-23T21:00:36
Last Seen: 2020-05-28T16:26:41
Automatic epoch timestamp conversion - [ ] IP Addresses:
Ability to check OTX if IP is in a pulse for specific contributors -
Pulls out Mitre ATT&CK tags from the abbove pulses - Bulk IP Lookup
- ~~OpenCTI Search Support
- Hashes:
Ability to check OTX if Hash is in a pulse for specific contributors -
Pulls out Mitre ATT&CK tags from the abbove pulses - Bulk hash lookup
- Flag malicious imports
- Brief description of what malicious import does
- Additional context & lookups
OTX SearchSupport
- Domains:
Ability to check OTX if Domain is in a pulse for specific contributors -
Pulls out Mitre ATT&CK tags from the above pulses - Bulk Domain lookup
- Better domain validation
- Additional context & lookups
OpenCTI Search Support
- URLs:
VirusTotal Support -
AlienVault OTX Suppport -
Ability to check OTX if URL is in a pulse for specific contributors -
Pulls out Mitre ATT&CK tags from the above pulses - Additional context & lookuups
OpenCTI Search Support
- Common Windows Security Identifier Decoding
- Windows filename lookup
- CVE Detail lookup
Tactic Prints tactic details as well as a clickalbe link to Mitre -
Technique: Prints technique as well as a clickable link to Mitre. -
Sub Technique: Prints sub-technique as well as a clickable link to Mitre.
- Sysmon ID Lookup & explanation
- Snort Sig lookup
- Suricata sig lookup
- Logging of daily activity/lookups
- Count of lookups with warning once a certain threshold is reached of daily allowances for that API
Abuse IP DB -
- Display info about WEVID's and Option codes. Not just a link
- Display info about ports and not just a link.
AlienVault OTX Pulse ID lookup - Color coding for expired certificates
- Color coding for newly created certificates
- Email reputation checks
Linux Support