
Lucee Launcher is a bash script to launch a lucee server (via Docker) in whichever folder you are in. It allows you to choose the image and you are running to be able to test different versions of lucee.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Lucee (Docker) Launcher Script

This repository contains a Bash script for running and managing a Lucee Docker container with various customizable options. The script provides an easy way to set up a container with pre-configured environment variables, volumes, and more. The main goal is being able to run Lucee from whichever folder you are in, and being able to launch different versions of Lucee quickly and easily.

This script is a standard bash script that was written to run on macOS. It should run on linux but I havent tested it yet.


  • Run a Lucee Docker container with custom image and tag options.
  • Attach volumes to the container.
  • Set environment variables for the container.
  • Automatically find available ports if the default is taken.
  • Supports listing tags from Docker Hub, running containers in detached mode, stopping running containers, and viewing logs.
  • Includes a dry-run mode to preview the Docker command before executing it.


The script is designed to go on macOS primarily but I am sure it works in *nix environments. It also requires Docker to be installed and running


The easiest way to install the script is to add the lucee file it to your local ~/bin folder. You will then be able to call it from the command line wherever you need it.


Basic Command

The script can be executed with the following command:

lucee [options] [action]


  • -i, --image IMAGE: Set the Docker image (default: lucee/lucee).
  • -t, --tag TAG: Set the Docker image tag (default:
  • -p, --port PORT: Set the host port for the container (default: 3000).
  • -v, --volume, -V PATTERN: Add volume patterns (repeatable). Format is [host_path]:[container_path].
    • Example: -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container.
  • -e, --env KEY=VALUE: Set environment variable for the container (repeatable).
    • Example: -e MY_VAR=my_value.
  • -d, --detach: Run the container in detached mode.
  • list: List available image tags from Docker Hub.
  • logs: Show logs of the currently running container.
  • stop: Stop the currently running container.
  • dry-run: Show the Docker command that would be executed without running it.


Run Container with a custom lucee version (tag)

lucee  -t -p 3000

Attach a Volume and Set Environment Variable

lucee -v /host/path:/container/path -e ENV_VAR=value

Run in Detached Mode

lucee --detach

List Available Tags for Default Image

lucee list


  • The script will assign a container name based on the current working directory.
  • If a container with the same name is already running, the script will not start a new one. Stop the existing container using the stop command.
  • By default, the script will find an available port within 100 increments of the provided port.


  • Docker: Ensure Docker is installed and running on your system.
  • jq: Required for listing available tags from Docker Hub. Install it with:
    sudo apt-get install jq

Common Scenarios

Viewing Logs

To view logs of a currently running container:

lucee logs

Stopping a Running Container

To stop the running container associated with the current directory:

lucee stop

Dry Run Mode

If you'd like to preview the Docker command before actually running it, use the dry-run option:

lucee dry-run


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to enhance the script's capabilities or fix bugs. Your contributions are always welcome!


Maintained by Mark Drew.