
Collection of GitHub repos, blogs and websites to learn cool stuff.

MIT LicenseMIT


This is an ongoing personal collection of over 2000+ sites and resources that I use or have used in the past to learn stuff like programming, puzzle-solving, web development and other intellectually stimulating things, categorized(more or less). Most of these are from my browser bookmarks. Contains blogs, websites, software that I use, my GitHub/GitLab/... stars(which I manage with my bookmark manager, not GH itself), Gists, Subreddits, YouTube channels, Medium/dev.to blogs, IRC channels, HN/Lobste.rs/StackOverflow/Codepen profiles/articles I follow, Podcasts I listen to, Browser Add-ons, Linux Hacks, Vim/Tmux/Emacs plugins I use and everything.

In short, this is my attempt to organize my knowledge. Feedbacks and contributions welcome.

mdBook: rsapkf.github.io/goodies/

GitBook: goodies.gitbook.io/


Go to docs/ subdirectory to see more unsorted/extra links.

Disclaimer: The categorization of resources and software that I list here are for personal reference only. Not every open source software out there is more secure than other proprietary options. Please do a thorough research before using any of this stuff.