Slack Deployer


Slack Deployer is a Slack App that allows you to trigger GitHub Actions Workflows for deploying your application. It integrates with Slack using a "slash command" /deploy. When this command is used, a modal is displayed in Slack, populated with information from the SupportedApps environment variable (see below). After selecting the desired options and clicking "Submit" in the dialog, the selected information is sent to GitHub, triggering the corresponding workflow with the chosen inputs. This workflow can be customized to automate various deployment tasks, such as deploying to Kubernetes or running a code build script.hoose to do whatever your app needs to automate such a deployments to kubernetes, call a codebuild script, etc.

The project provides a template based on AWS SAM. When deployed, the template sets up the following resources:

  • API Gateway
  • Secrets Manager for storing GitHub and Slack tokens
  • Lambda function (where Bolt will handle the responses)

Pending, maybe add a screenshot


To install Slack Deployer, follow these steps:

  • Run sam deploy -g to deploy the SAM templates and build the infrastructure for the project. During this process, you will be prompted to enter the necessary environment variables. Ensure that there are no white spaces in the provided JSONs, as the framework relies on correctly formatted values. You can use online tools like Code Beautify to remove extra spaces.

  • Once the deployment process is complete, the newly created API endpoint will be displayed in your terminal. This endpoint is required by Slack to route backend requests.

Slack Configuration

The "frontend" version of this repo lives in slack, a new application needs to be created, official documentation, make sure the slack app has the following settings enabled:

  • Interactivity & Shortcuts Provide here the url created by cloudfront, make sure to add slack/events at the end since this repo used Bolt The end result should look like https://{aws-id}
  • Slash Commands Add the command /deploy in this section with the same url used in the previous step.
  • OAuth & Permissions The recommended scopes are the following, feel free to modify as desired:
    • channels:history
    • chat:write
    • chat:write.public
    • commands
    • groups:history
    • im:history
    • mpim:history

Environment variables


This variable is used to name the project in cloudformation.


This variable is a JSON structure with the approved users that can execute this script. This information should come from slack, it uses slack's userNames and user Id.

    "slack-username-user1": "slack-username-user1-id",
    "slack-username-user2": "slack-username-user1-id"


This JSON structure determines the content of the modal dialogs presented in the slack modal. Its content it's supposed to come from github and the elements in here will be used to call github actions workflows. It mainly contains 3 sections:

  • url: This is the url for the project, and it will be used to call github's API
  • workflowName: This is the name of the YML workflow file to provide the API
  • workflows: Collection of possible workflows (will be presented as a dropdown in the Slack dialog). Can be used to provide extra information/input to the workflow.
    "service1": {
        "url": "organization/product-name",
        "workflowName": "name-of-the-workflow-file-for-this-repo",
        "workflows": [
                "name": "Deploy to QA",
                "value": "RolloutMPDQA"
                "name": "Deploy to Staging",
                "value": "RolloutMPDStaging"
    "service2": {
        "url": "organization/project-name",
        "workflowName": "name-of-the-workflow-file-for-this-repo",
        "workflows": [
                "name": "Deploy to Demo",
                "value": "DeployPMBToDemo"