
This tool is meant to parse an NTFS $MFT file.

Primary LanguageC#


> MFTAnalyzer.exe

        M   M  FFFFF  TTTTT
        MM MM  F        T
        M M M  FFF      T
        M   M  F        T
        M   M  F        T

A   A  NN  N  A   A  L      Y Y      Z    E      R   R
AAAAA  N N N  AAAAA  L       Y      Z     EEEE   RRRR
A   A  N  NN  A   A  L       Y     Z      E      R R
A   A  N   N  A   A  LLLLL   Y     ZZZZZ  EEEEE  R  RR
             by CyberYom

| Version: 1.0.0
| https://github.com/cyberyom/MFTAnalyzer

Welcome to MFT Analyzer. This tool is designed to parse and display MFT metadata.
Passing -h will display a help menu.

MFTAnalyzer is a powerful tool designed for parsing and displaying metadata relevant to an MFT file. With a new C# refactor, MFTAnalyzer is faster than ever, beating out many other tools when working with large-scale MFT files.


  • Feature 1: By simply passing the tool an MFT file, it will generate tables for all relevant data from each and every MFT entry found.
  • Feature 2: By passing the <-sn> flag, one will be able to search for specific file entries, using the file name as the search term.
  • Feature 3: By passing the <-sm> flag, one will be able to search for specific file entries, using the file entry number as the search term.
  • Feature 4: Tool is able to recreate file structure of whole disk, or specific folders, as well as give you a shell in the filesystem, with limited commands.
  • Feature 5: Tool is capable of carving files in the MFT. For resident files, it just pulls the data from the MFT. For non-resident files, it will return relevant information to carve the file.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Requirement 1: Make sure that the $MFT file you are analyzing is from an NTFS version 3 + system. Tool is incompatiable with < NTFS 3.0
  • Requirement 2: You are on a 64 bit system

First Run

Passing -h to the tool will display a help page, showing each command that is available.

>MFTAnalyzer.exe -h

        M   M  FFFFF  TTTTT
        MM MM  F        T
        M M M  FFF      T
        M   M  F        T
        M   M  F        T

A   A  NN  N  A   A  L      Y Y      Z    E      R   R
AAAAA  N N N  AAAAA  L       Y      Z     EEEE   RRRR
A   A  N  NN  A   A  L       Y     Z      E      R R
A   A  N   N  A   A  LLLLL   Y     ZZZZZ  EEEEE  R  RR
             by CyberYom

| Version: 1.0.0
| https://github.com/cyberyom/MFTAnalyzer

+------------------------------------+ Help Page +------------------------------------+

| This tool is meant to gather and parse data from the NTFS file $MTF.
| It is intended to display results of all data in table format,
| offering both readable and raw data.

| To parse an MFT file, simply pass an MFT file to the tool
└───────./MFTAnalyzer.exe C:\path\to\$MFT

| -sn
└───────./MFTAnalyzer.exe $MFT -sn filename
        - Search for a specific file entry based off file name

| -sm
└───────./MFTAnalyzer.exe $MFT -sm ENTRYNUMBER
        - Search for a specific file entry based off MFT file entry number

| --shell
└───────./MFTAnalyzer.exe $MFT --shell
        - Enter a shell with the MFT file

| -o
└───────./MFTAnalyzer.exe $MFT -sn filename -o
        - Output to a text file

Additional help:

Version: 1.0.0
Author: CyberYom

Shell Mode

This tool has the ability to rebuild the entire filesystem of the system from which the MFT was extracted from. Upon running with the --shell command, a shell is opened up, with the filesystem in memory. This allows us to run various commands against the filesystem. Pass the command 'help' to view all the commands in this mode

Welcome to the MFT Shell. Please pass the command 'help' for more info. Type 'exit' to quit.

MFT Shell > help

     Available Commands:
└────── Display the help menu

└────── Recursively display the file structure of directory passed. Used with filenames.

└────── View the contents of a Directory. Used with file names

└────── Find MFT entry for specific file. Used with file names

└────── View MFT entry for file. Used with MFT numbers

└────── Carve the contents of resident files, return offsets needed to carve fir non-resident files. Used with MFT numbers.

└────── View raw data for each MFT entry. Used with MFT numbers

└────── Clear the screen

└────── Exit the shell

More documentation will be provided soon in the wiki...

Special Thanks

The development of this project would not be possible without the help of the following individuals. Their contributions are greatly appreciated.

  • Ali Hadi, Champlain College.
  • Solomon Ince, Freelance.
  • Joachim Metz, Google, Documentation